What do you live for?

Scripture: Acts 20: 24

However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.

Observation: Paul is sharing his thoughts with the Ephesian elders as he prepares to leave them and continue his work elsewhere.

His heart and mind are truly working for God alone.

Application: Wow. His life is nothing to him, other than to live for Jesus Christ. I wish I could say that, and I’m trying to do that, but it is a constant struggle. Satan has such a firm grip on the world, and that grip snaps at me, too. I pray that I can continue to push those fingers away from me, and cling only to Jesus and his purpose for me.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remember Paul’s words when I am deciding how to use my time and where to put my heart. Guide me as I live the life you designed me to live. And strengthen me so that I, too, will live for you. Protect me and my family from Satan’s reach. Push him away and guard my heart. Help me to live for YOU and not for me.


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