Tag: reading

  • Any Healthy Eating readers out there?

    Two weeks ago I invited you to join me in expanding our minds, or sharpening our tools, (if you want a little blog title tie in) by reading new books and sharing our discoveries at least twice a month on Tuesdays. September’s topic is healthy eating, and my original reading choice was “What to Eat”…

  • Just give me a little piece of quiet

    http://www.lorileecraker.com/book6.html http://www.mops.org/ As one of the many gifts of my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) membership one year, I received a copy of Lorilee Craker’s Just give me a little piece of quiet. The cover says it contains 60 mini-retreats for a mom’s soul, and that it does, my friend. Each retreat begins and ends with a verse…

  • The New First Three Years of Life

    http://www.amazon.com/New-First-Three-Years-Life/dp/0684804190 This is my absolute favorite parenting young children book out there. An educator at The Children’s Museum of Houston recommended it to me and I read it while pregnant with my first child.  Then I kept it closeby while navigating first-time motherhood, re-reading pages many times through the first two and a half years. And…