SOAP: Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes and ‘no’ be ‘no’

Scripture: Matthew 5:37

Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Observation: Just give your true answer to commitments and then follow through. No explanation or promises are necessary.

Application: Today’s verse is not inspired by The Power of  Praying Wife. It has just been echoing in my head since Sunday.

This school year I have backed down from two leadership positions. I did not take the decision to do so lightly; I felt God’s answer to prayer that I should step back.

As I have been sharing my decision with friends, a few have asked why I made the decision and some have asked repeatedly, and tried to encourage me to change my mind.

Since then, this verse has been playing in my mind.

My answer alone should be enough. Others should accept it and I should feel confident enough to not have to explain. I don’t typically take decisions lightly. I know that. God knows that… isn’t that enough?

This started me thinking about so many other answers we get to invitations or commitments. When someone says they cannot or will not participate in something, there is no need to question that person or even offer an explanation if you are that person.

We do not need to build up a case as to why we cannot or should not do something. We do not need to share how full our plate is so we cannot add another thing. It seems that overburdening ourselves with tasks and responsibilities makes us look and feel valuable. And giving a long list of commitments explaining why we cannot do something (or how noble we are because we can add so much to our list) should not add honor.

Weigh your decisions. Make it and move on. Everyone’s workload is different… And should be guided by the Lord.

We do not need to share what the conflict is or what our workload is. A simple “No, but thank you for the invitation,” should be enough to offer and enough to receive. The only one we owe an explanation to is our Father.

So if you decide to do something (or not), just let your yes be yes and your no be no. If you’re on the receiving end, please don’t feel the need to pry. Just let the person’s yes be yes or nor be no.

Prayer: Lord, guide me in being a woman whose word can be counted on so that I can honor you. Keep me from feeling that I need to justify my decisions to others, when you are the only one who matters. Guide me in weighing all decisions properly and then giving answers inspired by you. And please guide me in my follow-through so that will be honoring, as well.

Lord, please let my ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and ‘no’ be ‘no.’ Always.

And guide me in accepting that from others, as well.


4 responses to “SOAP: Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes and ‘no’ be ‘no’”

  1. Amen!!
    .-= Beth@Not a Bow in Sight´s last blog ..And the Winner is… =-.

  2. Wonderful and true post….thank you.

  3. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    This sound so wonderful and easy, just give the answer Yes or No and that’s it, but some people just don’t let it go. So do you just repeat your answer? I do think a lot of us feel obligated to explain our “NO”, I know I have.

  4. I completely agree. I’ve had to rely on that verse many times when I’ve had to cut back and say “no” to activities outside the home. In fact, just recently a decision I made not to be apart of something during our homeschool time was called into question and I just had to stand by my decision and doing what I know I’ve been called to do.
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..Friday Favorites September 4, 2009 =-.

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