B 90 Days Day 27 SOAP: Oh, to hear so clearly!

Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 4:38- 2 Kings 15:26

Scripture: 2 Kings 4:43

“How can I set this before a hundred men?” his servant asked.

But Elisha answered, “Give it to the people to eat. For this is what the Lord says: ‘They will eat and have some left over.’ “


There were many more people than it looked to be enough food to serve. Yet Elisha, hearing from God, instructed the man to serve what he had, explaining that the Lord said there would be more than enough.


Can you imagine how you might have responded had you been that man, Elisha’s servant?

“Ummmmm. Okay. I’ll do what you say, but really? Are you sure about this?” I might have said.

And then been more than a tad nervous about it.

But Elisha heard the Lord speak. He knew there would be enough. He knew the Lord would provide, without question.

Can you imagine being THAT confident? Knowing for absolute sure that you heard the Lord correctly and could share that without worry at all?

That would be pretty incredible!


Lord, thank you for sending prophets who heard your messages undeniably and who shared them with the people so they could even more so understand your power and majesty.

I can never expect to be a prophet, but, Lord, guide me as I become a better listener of you and your direction.

I want to serve you completely and not get so distracted. And I want to work at hearing you more clearly.

Thank you for allowing me to read your word regularly and for meeting me every time that I do.

And thank you for the prophets through the years who have helped the rest of us hear you more clearly and follow your guidance.


2 responses to “B 90 Days Day 27 SOAP: Oh, to hear so clearly!”

  1. Michaela Jones Avatar
    Michaela Jones

    Hi, just remember one thing, it will be tremendous culture shock.
    Good Luck!

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