B 90 Days SOAP: What brings your success?

Day 14 of the Bible in 90 Days

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:17-18

17You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” 18But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.

Observation: Do not be mistaken and assume that your success come solely from your own efforts and ambition. Theses abilities which may bring success come from God.

Application: So often, especially as Americans, we hear that we hold the key to our future, that our success is completely up to us..

That is simply not true.

Sure, success is most often a result of hard work. But where does the ability to do that hard work originate? It is a gift from God. So even if you work your tail off, your success originated as a gift. It is not your own doing.

And I am so thankful to be given the gifts I need to do good work.

Prayer: Lord thank you so much for equipping me to do good things.

Please guide me in keeping my ego in check, though, and remembering that any success I attain is a direct result of you giving me the abilities and gifts you gave me. Without you I am nothing.

I am truly  honored and privileged to be chosen for the gifts you have given me. Please continue to guide me so that I can do the things you have planned for me.

I am yours, Lord. Continue to use me.


6 responses to “B 90 Days SOAP: What brings your success?”

  1. I love this SOAP – giving God the glory, because He deserves it!

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    Deuteronomy 10: 12-13
    Verse 12 – familiar — love God with all our hearts, souls, and walk in all His ways.
    Verse 13 – old covenant – obey the commandments and statutes

    How grateful I am for the new covenant!

  3. These are the same verses that struck a chord with me today as well, but with a slightly different “take away” for me. I have been struggling lately with feeling like a failure. I have been trying (half-heartedly) to start a home based business, but keep finding myself getting distracted and not following through. These verses showed me that the Lord can give me the strength, knowledge and ability to succeed if I will listen to His voice and follow His path. I do believe this is the path He has lead me to. I quit my job during the summer to commit to homeschooling my children with the idea to work from home to earn some supplementary income. Now I need to put in the effort that the Lord has equipped me to do to be successful and trust that He will be faithful. I need to stop being scared of trying, and I need to remember to give God the glory for any successes that He brings to me.

  4. Beautiful verse and so applicable to our every day lives. You’re right, it’s easy to get caught up in the “I did this” and “I did that” but we need to remember that it is only through God who strengthens us that we are able to do what we do.

  5. It is so easy to get caught up in our own self-importance. I try to remember that everything I do is part of God’s plan for me, even what seems to be failure in a particular circumstance.

  6. These verses stood out to me this morning as well. Even when I work hard, that is not a guarantee of success or blessing. Ultimatly, it is up to God. Remembering that especially helps me not to get prideful or look down on others who are in different situations. Thanks for sharing your insights each day!

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