From a B90-reader turned novel-writer (and mentor)

Guest post from Kelly Martin, B90 Group 24 mentor and YA novelist

I never thought I could read the Bible in 90 days. To be honest, I never really thought about reading it in cover to cover in any certain length of time. I read what I was supposed to for church and what-not. I even had a blog that was solely for biblical encouragement, but I felt like a fraud—because I’d never read the entire bible.

In June of 2011, I stumbled up on a website (you guessed it, this one) that introduced me to the scary, awesome, wonderful, crazy thing called “B90.” I thought, “Why not?”

And that why not is why I’m here today—a soon-to-be published author.

I started the program in July with the help of Amy and my awesome mentor, Lynn (I was in group 40). My sister also did the program with me which helped so much. You should see the texts we sent each other like “Did you know that was in the Bible!?” and “Whoa! Did you read that?”

It was a great experience. I’m not saying it was easy. I know the B90 program is in full swing right now (I mentored a group on my blog in January, and this fall I’m a mentor to another lovely group! We will read until our eyes are sore! Come on, Group 24!). Right now, you are probably wondering what in the world you got yourself into. I know I did. There were some days when I couldn’t stand the thought of reading another law, another proverb, another verse. Some days, I was tired.

I know you are too.

But let me tell you something that you might not know… an unintended side-effect of the B90 program is that it motivates you to set a goal and achieve it!

I finished the B90 program in 78 days. I have my “I Did It” shirt (and get asked about it on several occasions). Then came November, and I had all this time to use since I wasn’t doing B90 any more. So I joined something called National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo). Basically, you write 1,667 words a night (hopefully more) and at the end of the month you have a 50,000 word novel.

I thought, “Why not?”

Thanks to the discipline I learned from B90 (and I can’t leave God out of this. I have a husband, a full-time out-of-the-house job, and three kids under seven. If God didn’t want this to happen, it wouldn’t have. He kept my fingers moving and the ideas flowing.)

I finished my 50,000 words before Thanksgiving and started editing. Friends, it wasn’t great. I edited it about 15 more times and got it up to 63,000 words.

After that, I decided to send queries to agents and publishers. On July 2nd, the most wonderful email came into my inbox. It was from Astraea Press— and they loved my book. That day, I had another contract offer from a different publisher. I was on cloud nine, scared out of my mind, and couldn’t believe it was happening. I ended up signing the contract with AP! *Happy Dance*

My first novel (which came about because I learned how to focus and not give up due to the B90 program) called CROSSING THE DEEP will be released tomorrow, October 9th! It is a young adult/Christian/Inspirational novel for teens (and parents) who love clean fiction. Believe me, clean doesn’t equal dull.

 Here is the back cover blurb of Crossing the Deep:

 Sixteen year old Rachel Harker expects the church sponsored hiking trip in the Smoky Mountains to be short and painless. Four days later, injured and scared, Rachel prays to just make it home alive.

Asher Jenkins, fellow hiker and handsome skeptic who is only on the hike so he doesn’t have to go home and face his abusive ‘uncle’, finds Rachel in the woods and tries to get her back to Deep Creek Trail. A small hole hidden under the fall leaves causes her ankle to twist and forces Asher to leave her to get help. As night falls, he comes back, unable to find the right trail.

As hours stretch into days, an unexpected rainstorm bears down the mountain, flooding Deep Creek and cutting off their way home. Rachel puts all of her faith in God to save them. Asher thinks believing in God is a waste of time and does what he can to prove to Rachel that He doesn’t exist.

With their food gone and the temperature dropping, time is running out. Will Rachel be able to do what needs to be done to get home? And can Asher find faith when he needs it the most?


Folks, I’m here to tell you to not give up on any dream you may have. If God wants it to happen, it will.

And don’t give up on the Bible in 90 Days program. It truly changed my life.

~Kelly Martin– mommy, wife, teacher, writer, B90 mentor, sleep-deprived

CROSSING THE DEEP will be available tomorrow, October 9th, in electronic version from,, and


9 responses to “From a B90-reader turned novel-writer (and mentor)”

  1. This gives me so much hope – not only am I working on reading the Bible in 90 days – but I’m also doing NaNoWriMo again this year! I did NaNo last year – and wrote a completely crappy book so this year I’ve been working to come up with a basis of an idea and characters as I am able (well, really, while driving from place to place…)

    Thanks for the inspiration. Will be checking out your book soon!

    1. You’re very welcome. Thank you for the lovely comment :) I have plans to do Nano again this year– but I have another book coming out in Feb/March 2013 and I may be in edits. I love Nano. Both of my novels are Nanos. CROSSING THE DEEP has been edited within an inch of it’s life from the first draft lol. I hope you can check it out. And if you want follow my author page on fb or twitter (or even my blog). I tend to talk about Nano…. a lot ;)

  2. Michelle Avatar

    I love this!! Last year I did NaBloPoMo (National Blog Poster’s Month) last year and it was fantastic discipline. When my friend invited me to B90 I thought it was a bit of a crazy idea as I couldn’t imagine rushing through God’s Word, but I knew I could do it because of my blogging experience. This is a thousand times better–I love my new habit, I love that I feel “hungry” for more of God and His word. Congratulations on the new book!

    1. Kelly Martin Avatar
      Kelly Martin

      I think the quickness of B90 is one of the greatest parts of it. I love to read books and when you read the Bible so quickly, it feels like a novel (a true novel, but a novel none-the-less). The people seem much more real to me and I saw connections I never saw before. I love it. And thanks so much for the congratulations :)

  3. Jeanne Theunissen Avatar
    Jeanne Theunissen

    I’ve read the Bible through two or three times, and the Pentateuch at least five times. (By the time I got through with Deuteronomy, I lost interest in the going on.) Just got a new chronological yearly Bible, though, so looking forward to reading that. I read that in NIV several years ago, but this one is NLT, which I find much easier to read.

    I proofed Crossing the Deep, and it certainly was a good read! Had me crying in several spots. It points out one very important but little known fact; PASTORS DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!!

    1. Kelly Martin Avatar
      Kelly Martin

      Aww. Jeanne. Thanks :) My sister is a preacher, and I think she would have to agree :) It’s good when you make your proofer cry :) <3

  4. Bernadette Gillespie Avatar
    Bernadette Gillespie

    WOW! I love that you started on a spiritual quest to read the Bible and ended as a published author! I love the “blurb” and can’t wait to buy the book!

    1. Kelly Martin Avatar
      Kelly Martin

      Thanks so much Bernadette :) It’s been a crazy, wild ride :)

  5. Kelly Martin Avatar
    Kelly Martin

    Thanks so much for allowing me to write this, Amy :) I forgot to add that I can also be found on twitter (I do love the twitter lol): @martieKay. And I’m having a giveaway on my blog (that Amy linked) to celebrate the book’s release. I’m so excited, so nervous, so ‘whoa’, and so ‘squee’ (if that makes any sense). B90 did change my life, and I pray it does the same to all of you reading it :) <3 It's hard, but you CAN do it :) :)

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