Bible in 90 Days Day 3

I hope each of you reading the Bible in 90 days with us is finding the right spot for this new routine in your life.

If you haven’t yet and you are behind, or you haven’t started yet, you CAN still catch up… but it won’t just happen on its own. You have to plan and make the time for it. Yes, adding a new step to your routine is tough, but this one is only for three months. What changes can you make for three months to make time for the Lord?

Think about it, pray about it, and do it.

You will only achieve this goal of reading the entire Bible  in 90 days if you make it a priority.

Today’s Reading: Genesis 28:20- Genesis 40:11

Daily SOAP Devotional:

Day 3: Seeking Prosperity

If you signed up by using this official sign up link before mid-day January 2, you should have heard from your mentor by today. If you haven’t yet, please double check your Spam email folder. If there isn’t anything there, please send me an email using the “Send me an email” box at the top right of MomsToolbox and I’ll see what I can do to find your spot. Be sure to include the email address you put on the form as well as the name you used on the form.

If you did not use the form to sign up, please click that link and do so now. I am working out alternatives for those who have not been placed into mentor groups so that you can still be placed with accountability partners, but that will still take a few days. I want to do all I can to help you succeed!

Now, go get reading!


16 responses to “Bible in 90 Days Day 3”

  1. grateful for grace—check out YOUVERSION.COM–they have the 90 day plan on it, and you can download it to any mobile device. I read the whole 90 days on my phone, and can bookmark, make notes and it keeps track of it all for me.

  2. Still going! I fell a wee bit behind (like 1 chapter) but I’m all caught up and ready to go for day 4!

  3. Heather Avatar

    Sweet!! Just saw you are setting up accountability partners for us that were late to the party! :) Excited to see the outcome of this…and THANK you for doing such a step. :) I didn’t read earlier in the day like I had wanted to, so I’m off now to go read. I have done the previous two days though. :)

  4. Day 3 reading is done, thoughts are blogged and I, too, am still going strong! Also I try and make sure I go and keep my friends who are reading along with me accountable each day. It’s so great to have all this support!

  5. Finished reading Day 3!

  6. Done with day three! Still going strong!

  7. Everyone in my house is sick but I – but that excuse doesn’t stop me!
    Still caught up and going strong…
    Praying for everyone.

  8. Day 3! I’m so focused! Here’s my blog/ SOAP posting for 2day:

  9. This is so nice! The daily reading schedule seemed overwhelming until I got started. I’m using my Bible at home and at school- I love how it’s divided into chapters with a large font. Thanks for the encouragement!

  10. Am starting today. I know I’m behind, but, thankfully, Genesis is a fun read! There doesn’t happen to be an iPhone app for the schedule is there? I’d love to save it on my phone, which I keep up with much better than a piece of paper (which my desk devours).

  11. Amy, it’s Wednesday and I haven’t received an email from my mentor yet.

  12. Done with day 3 and posted about it at Thou Art Jules

  13. Just finished day 3 for reading – what a blessing! I have tried the Bible in a year before, but usually made it to about March before I got distracted and off track.
    My personal goal in doing this is to finish :o) I am great at starting things (you should see my knitting projects) – not so good at finishing (did I mention those knitting projects???)
    Honestly, I’m not the expert on this because of my past track record, but it seems that I’m getting more out of the Word this way; before, I would just kind of ‘get through’ the reading (doing it in a year), and not get caught up in the stories that God has laid out for us. Today, I felt like I was reading a novel (funny how we can squeeze those into our tight schedules, no?) and had to remind myself that these were real people with real issues – fascinating! And of course, the always interesting family lines in Genesis! LOL
    Thanks so much for hosting this.

  14. Thanks for the correct link Christy – I could only get back to the home page also.

  15. If you have an iPhone, you can access it on YouVersion. It has all different types of plans available and I was excited to find this one. It will make the reading schedule easier to keep for me!

  16. The link for the devotional just comes back to the home page. I found the correct link in the weekly schedule.

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