Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 14

The reading for Wednesday is Luke Chapter 14.

Here is what I heard:

Help others. Help those who cannot help you.

Scripture: Luke 14: 12-14

12Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Genuine hospitality is that which is offered to those who cannot return the favor. Offer that, not social obligation.

Don’t just reach out to those who can help you- or those whom you feel obligated to invite due to social reasons. Reach out to those whom you can help and who cannot repay you.

Think about this:
How can I help others?
What can I do to reach out?
Everyone can help someone else in SOME way. What can you do? If you don’t know, ask God to reveal what you can do to you.

Thank you for giving me the ability to help others in different ways. Please guide me in finding more ways, or being better at the ways I am helping now.
Help me to see the real motivation each time I reach out and help me to correct that when my motives are not pure or honoring you.
I want to honor you. I want to be guided by you. I know that you, alone know the right way. Help me to follow that.

What about you? What did you see and hear in your reading of Luke 14?

Be sure to record your own SOAP observations and feel free share your own thoughts or a link to your thoughts, here, too.

Didn’t start reading or Blogging Through  the Gospels with us? That’s okay, join in anytime. Each Sunday evening I post the reading schedule for the week ahead and each evening I post the next day’s reading assignment and devotional. Feel free to jump in where we are anytime and blog or journal along using the SOAP format. Feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter using the #Gospels hashtag, too.

If you would be interested in sharing your own SOAP observations on MomsToolbox as a guest SOAP’er, please send me an email using the contact button on the top right. I’ll be in touch soon to discuss the details.


4 responses to “Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 14”

  1. Castways: Blogging through the #Gospels, Luke 14

    Let me not be cast away…..

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