Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 2

The reading for Wednesday is Luke Chapter 2 .

Here is what I heard:

Our Savior was born to us

Scripture: Luke 2:11

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.


It all comes down to this: Our Savior was born. He came for us.


God could have left the writing it at that– Jesus was born.

He didn’t have to give us all the detail and all of the prophecy.

He created us to be thinkers, though, and wants to appeal to our minds as well as to our hearts. Perhaps that is why He shares so many beautiful details. He prefaces Jesus’ birth on the earth with prophecy so that there will be no mistake and Jesus identity will be clear to those who investigate and listen.

The simple truth, though, is that our Savior was born unto us.


Thank you, Lord, for sending your son to us.

And thank you for sharing so much about Him before He was even born so that we would know without a doubt who He is.

Thank you for giving us the Bible so we can read and learn and experience you in so many ways.

Thank you, also, for the simple yet huge fact of Luke 2:11: A Savior was born to us.

Thank you, Father.

What about you? What did you see and hear in your reading of Luke 2?

Be sure to record your own SOAP observations and feel free share your own thoughts or a link to your thoughts, here, too.

Didn’t start reading or Blogging Through  the Gospels with us? That’s okay, join in anytime. Each Sunday evening I post the reading schedule for the week ahead and each evening I post the next day’s reading assignment and devotional. Feel free to jump in where we are anytime and blog or journal along using the SOAP format. Feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter using the #Gospels hashtag, too.

If you would be interested in sharing your own SOAP observations on MomsToolbox as a guest SOAP’er, please send me an email using the contact button on the top right. I’ll be in touch soon to discuss the details.


4 responses to “Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 2”

  1. Am I raising my children to early, biblical maturity, or leaving them to flounder in their foolishness?


    Are we like Mary? Are we storing up God’s promises to us and pondering them in our hearts?


    Not where I expected to end up… but incredibly grateful.
    Let me be like the shepherd in the field.

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