Category: Memories to Share

  • Memories to Share: Memory #10

    Memories to Share: Memory #10

    I’ll admit it: Santa Claus was a rockstar in my youth and continues to be today. I loved waking up early Christmas morning to see what surprises I might find. My brother David and I would creep downstairs and check out all the presents under the tree, reading labels by the tree lights, as it…

  • Memories to Share: Memory #9

    Memories to Share: Memory #9

    When I was a child, I remember baking cream pie with my great-grandmother, Mamu. Mamu would let us stir the cream mixture in the pot on the stove and also roll out the pie crust, dusting it with sugar before pouring the cream. She even had tiny pie tins in which my brother and I…

  • Memories to Share: The FREE eBook

    Memories to Share: The FREE eBook

    Life is precious and the stories we can share with our loved ones about our lives are priceless and also so very precious. Those stories give us a glimpse into our family and can help us understand history and ourselves in a whole new way. Are you documenting your stories to be shared with future…

  • Memories to Share: Memory #8

    Memories to Share: Memory #8

    At this time of year, so much focus seems to fall on baking– whether it is pumpkin or apple pie at Thanksgiving or brilliantly decorated sugar cookies for Christmas or my friend Donna’s famous peanut butter balls which very much resemble Buckeyes I enjoyed as a child with my family. In some families, baking can…

  • Memories to Share: Memory #7

    Memories to Share: Memory #7

    Happy Thanksgiving, friends! With the holiday just days away, this week’s prompt is all about Turkey Day, family and giving thanks. I’m about to hop on a plane to see my husband and kids, as I’ve been away all week for work and I’m super thankful for air travel at the moment! I am really…