This week’s daily Bible reading & #SOAPDevo: 2 Corinthians 6-12


Happy Monday and welcome to December!

For the first time for as long as I can remember, our Christmas tree is already up and it is just the first of December! Wooo-Hooo!

To be honest, this might also be the first year in many that our tree has been up before the 15th of December, too. Last night I was reflecting with my husband over our past few Decembers, and we have hope for a fantastic December with our family this year. The past few years have just held too much yucky stuff. It’s time for a glorious December and we are READY!!

So let’s kick it off properly together, shall we?

I’ve heard from a few of you that the free downloadable Bible reading schedule bookmark isn’t enough- you prefer to have more reminders from me to keep reading your Bible each day. So here’s what I’ll do for you: I’ll post the week’s schedule each Monday right here on MomsToolbox to help get you going for the rest of the week.

Sound good? If so, here’s where you can grab your Bible and start reading for today, and continue throughout the week.

Here’s the Bible reading for this week:

Monday 12/1    2 Corinthians 6
Tuesday 12/2    2 Corinthians 7
Wednesday 12/3    2 Corinthians 8
Thursday 12/4    2 Corinthians 9
Friday 12/5    2 Corinthians 10
Saturday 12/6    2 Corinthians 11
Sunday 12/7    2 Corinthians 12

If you’re up for getting even more out of your reading, join me in following the SOAP Devotional method in your own journal. It’s a great way to take a deeper step and really listen to what God might be trying to tell you each day.

Thanks for reading along with me and trusting me to guide you in your reading schedule. It’s an honor to have you along for the ride and lesson.

PS: If you aren’t reading with us already, you are welcome to start with us right where we are today. Click over to learn more about the current Daily SOAP Devotion Series.


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