Daily Devotion: SOAP (Diligence) and holding your tongue

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox

Wow! How did it get to be Thursday already?

This morning I was up and out at 5 a.m to do my second round of weight training. I’m so thankful for that time! I’m also thankful for the habit I brought back last month of daily time in the Word.

Here’s what grabbed me today…

Today’s reading: Proverbs 21

A few verses stuck out to me this morning. I’m going to discuss another one in a bit, but I’m going to start with SOAPing this one…

Scripture: Proverbs 21:5

The plans of the diligent lead to profit
    as surely as haste leads to poverty.


Intentional behavior yields good results. Haste makes waste. (I couldn’t resist that last addition.)


I love how this one doesn’t just say that plans lead to profit, but that plans of the diligent lead to profit. Not only do you need to plan, but you need to take action.

I can get so caught up in dissecting and planning that I often lead myself to paralysis. Or I plan so much that I then get worn out and almost ‘feel’ as though I have done the work when, in reality, I have just planned it… or, perhaps over-planned it.

This reminder that I need to be diligent in planning and carrying out my work, although it is quite obvious, is a great reminder and encouragement for me today. It’s an encouragement because I finally feel as though I am on track to a breakthrough in getting that work done which needs to be completed. I have finally started really planning well and, as a result, executing pretty well, too. Nope, I didn’t take a magic pill. And nope, I’m not nearly perfect. But I am finally breaking through the fog and on my path to getting more of the things done that really need to be done (that includes family time) and learning how to abandon those which do not. Halleluja!


Thank, Lord for this reminder to plan and also follow up with diligence. Please, Lord, keep me from wasting the gifts you have shared with me. Instead, please continue guiding me in diligence to use them as you intended. I need your help to stay on track and move in the direction you intend. Please continue to guide me and also help me to hear that guidance.


So what about all these wine references in the reading lately?

Of course the wine references from today’s reading, as well as yesterdays reading, did not slip by unnoticed by me. Since I started my wine blog in 2011, I’ve heard from a handful of you expressing your surprise and, from some, disappointment. I have also received encouragement from some of you and confirmation in many ways (even in today’s verses) that I am on the right track with my business and subject matter.

Rather than just jump in and share my thoughts, though, I am instead going to follow another part of our reading from today:

Those who guard their mouths and their tongues

    keep themselves from calamity.

-Proverbs 21:23

I am going to treasure these observations in my heart and keep them there, listening to God as He guides me.

At the right time He will instruct me to speak out. But it is not today.

I felt it necessary to at least address this, though.

Don’t worry. We’ll have the discussion at the right time.


Thanks for reading the Proverbs with me this month. I hope you found something in today’s passage that you can treasure and apply.



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