Daily SOAP Devotion: Acts 3 #SOAPDevo


Happy Wednesday!

Are reading the Bible with me and the rest of the MomsToolbox community?

Here’s our Daily SOAP Devotion reading for today:

Acts 3

Here’s what stood out to me using the SOAP Devotional Method

Turn away from sin and accept the blessing.

Scripture: Acts 3: 26

When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.


A servant of God was sent to us to guide us in turning away from our sins so that we may receive good things from Him.


Turning from our wicked ways, from sin, will enable us to see and enjoy blessings from God. I don’t think the scripture is saying we need to eradicate sin completely, (although that would be ideal)  but that our efforts to turn away from sin will bring joy. I can almost hear myself telling my children this: “If you just listen and do as I say, your life will really be so much easier. Why do you have to do things you shouldn’t?”

Although it’s not easy to follow every rule all the time, when we make efforts to do so life goes along so much better.

God knows that. He sent His son to guide us in being kind and in following His rules. I believe he wants is to reap blessings. But we have to put in the effort by turning away from our sins.


Father,  just as it sounds so simple when I say something similar to my children, reading this verse makes it all sound so simple: Follow the rules, turn from sin, and blessings will come to you. Please, Lord, guide me in living the life you have set out for me. If I just do that, it will all be so much better. Guide me in turning from sin and help me to make better choices before I stumble. I sure need your help in doing that. And thanks so much for your forgiveness when I do stumble. I really appreciate it.  I need that forgiveness.

What about you?

I’d love to know how today’s reading impacted you. Are you up for sharing in the comments of this post and/ or tweeting it out using #SOAPDevo?

If you aren’t reading with us already, here’s some information to get you started:


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