Daily SOAP & Positive Parenting from King David: Speak Truth

I’m reading 1 Chronicles right now. Sometimes the reading can be dry and filled with lists, and yet it also has lots of gorgeous nuggets tucked in there for us to discover in the stories. Today I found some solid gold and SOAP from King David to share:

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 22:11-13

“Now, my son, the Lord be with you, and may you have success and build the house of the Lord your God, as he said you would. May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when he puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”


This is some God-inspired parenting, FOR SURE.

David is:

  • Speaking truth as inspired by God
  • Encouraging his son with this truth
  • Telling his son where to go for help/ where to go to seek more truth

David was able to speak all of that truth because he had spent time listening to God, sought out God’s wisdom and knew His voice.


I know I want to speak truth and give honest encouragement to my children… solid truth, honest encouragement, and encouragement that shows them who God has made them… and who they can be with Him.

So, how can I do that? How can I follow David’s example?

David shows us:

  • Speak truth– Ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and show me the truth
  • Encourage by enlightening them– Point out my children’s strengths and gifts, remind them of those and reminding where they come from.
  • Tell them where to go for help– God wants to guide us, to be with us. I can show them how to ask Him or help, how to seek and hear Him.


Father God,

You are all-knowing and so so amazing! I am so grateful that you continue to show me how to take your Word in each day and for the opportunity to read it in so many ways. Thank you for meeting with me. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for meeting my needs continuously.

Today I was delighted to see such a solid example of a dad talking to a son, sharing such solid advice. Yes, this was a king and his successor, but I can certainly apply this to my life my children, as well.

You instruct us to speak truth. In a world that now so often talks of “manifesting” you remind us to go to you, our Maker, to listen and to speak truth, to point out to our children the gifts they have inside of them… and from where those gifts came and instruct them as to how those gifts can be used and grown.

Father, please guide me in taking this example and applying it to my own parenting. Please help me to encourage my children in truth. Please help me to recognize their gifts and point them out to them, showing them their beauty now and potential with you.

Please guide me in speaking truth, encouraging my children with truth and in showing them where to go for truth.

I love you, Father. I am grateful for you. Thank you so much for this guidance, and for inspiring me to follow it and share it with others.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


What do you think?

Do you see applying this to your life… in parenting or even in encouraging others around you?

I’d love to know your thoughts on today’s SOAP. Please comment below and let me know if you are up for giving this a try… and what you think might happen as a result. I’d love to know. Thanks!


2 responses to “Daily SOAP & Positive Parenting from King David: Speak Truth”

  1. Lab girl Avatar
    Lab girl

    Thank you Lord for giving an idea to one that leads others to you! Thank you for this leadership of guiding us with this beautiful bible study. That we may find these gems of words and knowledge that you have left for us. That we might hide these in our hearts until the appropriate times. Thank you for loving us this much! You are so divine that you wove this study, these words, these stories , and the dedication to continue reading your word into our lives. I love you Lord God!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement.:)))

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