Enter His gates with thanksgiving (and reap the benefits!!)

This morning, before I launched into my reading, I decided to enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise.

I first started praying quietly, thinking of the positive things that happened yesterday and thanking God for them. No, yesterday was not an outstanding day. Actually, it held a lot of exhaustion. But tiny reasons to be thankful just kept creeping into my brain and then I realized bigger things were mixed in there, too.

I pulled out my journal and started simple:

Thank you, Father, for meeting with me again today. Thank you for getting me out of bed and aligning my life so I can spend time with you. 

(I told you I started small.)

Then I opted to take the bullet point route, as I recalled little and big things from Tuesday. Off I flew, listing so many things that I appreciated. Here’s a sampling:

  • an enlightening conversation with an advisor
  • a chat with my son
  • my daughter’s display of character
  • help in decorating for Christmas

On and on I went, going into more detail after each item. I even listed appreciation for the inspiration and ingredients for a super easy and healthy meal I pulled together… and that my family enjoyed it.

Yes, I did eventually make it to my Psalm reading and yes, I took so much time that I had stop, get kids to school, do some work and then get to my Advent reading (And this post for you) later in the morning.

Starting my devotional time in praise and thanksgiving, and really taking the time to write my prayers and thoughts down on paper, was super fun. Plus, it was a great way to start the day. It definitely set the tone for the day in a better place.

In Psalm 100 we are told to enter his gates with thanksgiving and praise. Today, that certainly made a difference in my prayer time and it has made a difference in my day. I’ve been exhausted and overwhelmed a bit lately. (SOOOO much to do!!!) This helped me not only to see the gifts, but also be a kinder and gentler mom in driving the kids to school at 5:30 this morning. I think I’ve also been more positive diving into work, as well.

I’m ready to do it again tomorrow. Wanna join me?

In love,


One response to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving (and reap the benefits!!)”

  1. Lab Girl Avatar
    Lab Girl

    I will!!

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