Favorite Memories Friday: I LOVED the fourth grade!

It has been a few weeks since I have posted a Favorite Memories Friday feature, and I hope not to skip like that again.

I guess I have been too busy making new memories to record many these past few weeks. I haven’t been home for a weekend since October 8. I am soo looking forward to spending time at  home this weekend!

I did say I would participate in the Mommy’s Piggy Tales adventure of recording my youth, so I’m back on it this week with age 9 or Grade 4.

And oh, what a wonderful year that was!

I vividly remember playing ‘office’ in school, bringing pen cups, tape dispensers and all sorts of ‘cool’ office items to place on our tiny desks. It’s a wonder Mrs. Golbow allowed us to do that, but she did and all the girls in the class loved it.

I also remember the dreaded day I had to wear white pants to school. My mom was away on a trip and the laundry was not done, so I did not have a clean skirt or dress to wear one day and, oh, the horror of wearing pants! My parents still tease me a bit about my utter distaste for pants that day in the fourth grade. Guess I was a bit of a girly-girl!

Fourth grade might also be when the beginnings of my love of party planning began to show. For our teacher’s birthday, I convinced the class to throw her a surprise party complete with decorations, gifts and refreshments. I got the school librarian and the teacher in the next class to go along with the surprise, pulling our teacher out of the class so we could transform the room before her return that afternoon. She definitely acted surprised and we had a great afternoon that day, eating candy, drinking punch and goofing off for a bit, all in the name of love and fun.

I think fourth grade was also when our school library changed names to become the Learning Resource Center, as it acquired an Apple IIE computer. I remember waiting my turn to play the Oregon Trail game on a big, floppy disk.

Fourth grade was also the year I played basketball with the YMCA, although I’m not sure how much basketball I played. Sure, I was on the team, but I spent most of the time either watching from the sidelines or chatting with the members of the opposite team while on the court. My basketball ‘career’ only had one more year after that first one. My social life kept going, though.

I loved the fourth grade. I still have many dear friends from that year and I definitely have a lot of favorite memories from that year, too.

Thanks, God, for great friends, crazy self-confidence, loving parents, an incredible school and so many adventures. I pray that each of my children… and all children, actually, have as much fun as I did and have as many fond memories of the fourth grade as I do.

What a silly, wonderful year!


6 responses to “Favorite Memories Friday: I LOVED the fourth grade!”

  1. So glad to have your back. How funny to be horrified to have to wear pants.

    I used to play insurance agent with my friend. Exciting huh?!

    What a special thing to do for your teacher, I’m sure she remembers it fondly.

    Floppy disks:)

  2. Amy, What fun memories you have of fourth grade. The part about being able to play office made me giggle. I loved doing that too, although I didn’t get to do it at school.

  3. I can’t believe you pulled off a surprise party, that’s amazing!

  4. Grandma Karen Avatar
    Grandma Karen

    Cute memories and lots of detail. I think everyone in MPT loved the fourth grade. I certainly did, too. Of course, back in 1952, the Apple IIe was not a standard piece of equipment. But I do remember studying about the pioneers on the non-virtual Oregon Trail. Thanks for the wonderful memory jogs! Karen (visiting fromGroup 3)

  5. I remember the floppy disk, oh how far we’ve come! Thanks for sharing your memories, I enjoyed reading your story!

  6. Oh, I miss Mrs. Golbow too! I saw her well after I was married and I swear she hadn’t aged a day! Fourth grade was such a time for innocence and awe.

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