FLYing through the house chores

This website offers a practical routine for de-cluttering your home and keeping it clutter-free. And it’s filled with lots of positive affirmations (FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself).

By breaking your home into zones and following her daily routines, you will see your piles shrink and  become more discerning about adding new clutter to the mix. Her concept encourages newbies (Flybabies) to take the program one step at a time, rather than read ahead and attempt to renovate your home in one day. This was difficult for me, because I wanted to see a BIG change at once. But by following her tips (and not trying to be perfect) you will see a gradual change which you can maintain.

This site also offers excellent tips on getting your home ready for entertaining and a fantastic plan for preparing for a big holiday like Christmas. What fun is a holiday and family time if you’re rushing around like crazy and can’t enjoy the company? (Okay, I’m still working on this, but the Flylady has helped me to make BIG strides.)

Beware: Sigining up for her email WILL clutter you inbox with several emails through the day. But it will also keep you on track and keep the clutter away from other areas of your home.


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