Has Satan been lying to you, too?

Satan dealt me a whopping one-two punch at the beginning of this session of Bible in 90 Days and I owe every single reader out there an equally whopping apology.

You see, not soon after we started reading, I started to doubt myself. I started to wonder what in the world I was doing trying to encourage more than 1,200 people to read the entire Bible in 90 Days. Never mind the fact that I had already facilitated six groups in person, trained others to lead groups in person and this was my fourth online session. I still felt unworthy. I still felt lost. I still felt overwhelmed trying to figure out how to keep 69 groups on track and not have anyone get mad at me.

And then I became afraid to be me. With every post and every email I worried what each of you might think. And I lost sight of the Amy whom God invited into this partnership in the very beginning.

He asked me, a sinner, a mistake-maker, a lover of people and lover of life to blog through the Bible in 90 days and share… and so I did. I thought maybe 20 people would join me as I shared the Bible in 90 Days ministry the first time. Well, it has been more than 20… Thousands of lives on several continents have been changed as a result of this online part of the ministry.

And still, I doubted this time. I was scared. I let Satan magnify tiny comments and have my ear and paralyze me when I should have been listening to God’s encouragement.

Oh, Father, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have listened to those who doubted me and broke me. I should only have listened to you and your sweet words of love. Please forgive me.

Friends, I have not been the best encourager because I have been listening to the wrong voices. Satan is cunning. He knows just where to zing me. Just as he knows right where to zing you.

“Life is too busy. I simply cannot find the time to read that much of the Bible.”

Really? What can be more important than carrying out this promise to read the entire Bible?

“Things will slow down when… And then I can do this.”

Really? Does life ever really slow down?

“I don’t need to finish with everyone else. I’ll finish on my own.”

Really? How has that worked for you in the past?

“I’m just not feeling anything or hearing God as I read.”

Really? Isaiah 55:11 ” It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” -New Living Translation

Friends, we have less than 20 days until we hit the finish line.

I have come to realize that Satan has been holding me back. And I don’t want him to do the same for you.

It’s up to you whether you finish or not. I have given you the plan. I have done my best to recruit amazing volunteers who have been praying for you. (Even if you haven’t heard much from your mentor I have no doubt she has been praying for you.) I have tried to encourage you as best I can. But there is only so much I can do.

Your success at this goal is completely up to you. Each of you CAN do this. Do you want to? Is it worth it to you to push through and read the entire Bible this time? Or would you rather listen to Satan’s lies a little longer?


24 responses to “Has Satan been lying to you, too?”

  1.  Avatar

    Thanks for being so open about your struggle. It is easy to think “mega bloggers” like you don’t struggle with those sorts of things!

  2.  Avatar

    I want you to know that you are blessing lots of women, that the Lord is definitely working through you no matter how you feel! :-) I did Bible in 90 Days twice with you and shared the story of the how and the why the first time when my daughter had heart surgery. Ever since then I still subscribe, mostly so I know when sessions are on so I can pray for you leading them and the participants.

    Lies are a powerful thing, but His truth is even greater.

  3. I was about to mention about ripples effect also.
    Sometimes we thought that our effort in the ministry of God has little impact on people and we began to doubt the importance of what we are doing.

    Amy, thru you, we are reading the word of God – The most powerful words. The earth was created just by the word of God. And we are reading it now. Imagine what the word of God can do to our life and to the life of those around us!
    Well, just want to say that – you are a huge blessing to me. And now God is using me to bless others also. :)

    Take courage. God is doing something important thru you.

  4. You saw my comment on Group 52 earlier this week so you know a bit about what is going on. I saw the post the other day about finishing the 90 days. At first I was a bit irritated and wasn’t sure why. Well, I was irritated because it was true- I was quitting. Now I read this post. I do have a tremendous amount of things going on in my life right now but I am going to continue on. I am VERY, VERY behind (like in the Psalms behind) but I am going to pray that God helps me with this and with all of the other things that I must accomplish in the same time period. Please pray for me as I will be praying for all of you.

  5. when a stone is tossed in a lake it sends out ripples. Your obedience to lead, to encourage, to pray and to admit your mistakes and seek prayer and seek forgiveness are all stones tossed in the pools of our lives. They send out ripples. Ripples beyond what you expect, ripples that God saw ahead of time. As we read with you and pray and encourage others we add to those ripples. The deceiver does not want our ripples to touch the lives of his followers but God is in charge and he has plans for us. I have seen ripples in my own life that were unexpected. They are worth the time and effort that I have put into this reading whether I finish or not. That said, I plan to finish on time. I plan to pray and encourage and trust that the ripples of our lives are being used by God even when we ourselves feel like failures. Thank you for the challenge. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for the example (all of it).

  6. Jennifer Barrineau Avatar
    Jennifer Barrineau

    Thank you for providing this great opportunity for so many women to be in the Word together. Your posts encourage and challenge me every day.

  7. Heathahlee Avatar

    Sweet Amy, you may not feel like you have been encouraging enough, but you have to me! I appreciate all you do through this ministry!

  8. God Bless you for all you’ve been through this ‘semester’ of B90. We’re all human and we all fall, but praise God that we are granted His grace and mercy new everyday!!! Thank you so much for the work you do in this ministry…it has been and will continue to be fruitful all over the world!!!

  9.  Avatar

    Excellent, excellent post, Amy! I have shared it with my group.

  10. Well done. I am sharing with my ladies. Thank you!

  11. Linda Dale Avatar
    Linda Dale

    Thank you so much for bringing this to light Amy. I know Satan is so crafty at bringing us down little by little and it gets to the point that we just break down and believe him…if only for a little bit…it can start to make us doubt our relationship with the Lord. I feel Satan has probably done all he can to discourage us each day of these 90 days. Oh don’t you know the Lord rejoices when we pick that bible up though! :) We can do this ladies!

  12. Amy, you are amazing. I appreciate you!

  13. I have 9 more days to go… and my motto is “I think I can.. I think I can.. I KNOW I can!” Amy, thanks so much for sharing this. Sometimes we think people who have ‘larger’ sites are confident, but it is nice to know that its the same as us folks with littler blogs— that said, you are AMAZING and you need to stamp the Devil in his nose ;)

    1. Thanks. I love this… I’m gonna just ignore him and get my focus back!

      And each of us who really blogs is the same.. confident in moments, yet terrified in lots of others, just sharing our messages with whomever is listening. At least that’s me, anyway. :)

      Keep up that reading and we will be celebrating soon enough!

  14. Your points are SO true–life never does slow down!

    Do not be so hard on yourself, Amy. You have been a huge blessing to me, and I know to so many other people as well. If it wasn’t for you, I do not think I ever would have read the entire Bible.

    As a leader, Satan works harder at discouraging you. If he can get you, he stops the good work that God is doing through you.

    Thank you for your post–and keep it up!


    Susan M.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I really appreciate your reminder and encouragement.

  15. Wow Amy, thanks for your transparency! We all can come under attack and It does seem that the enemy will do anything to keep people from reading the living Word. God Bless You. Keep doing what you do!

    1. Thanks– When it all clicked yesterday I just wanted to shout at Satan to LEAVE ME ALONE! I appreciate your encouragement.

  16. Wow Amy, thanks for your transparency! We all can come under attack and It does seem that the enemy will do anything to keep people from reading the living Word. God Bless You. Keep doing what you do!

  17. Wow Amy, thanks for your transparency! We all can come under attack and It does seem that the enemy will do anything to keep people from reading the living Word. God Bless You. Keep doing what you do!

  18. Wow Amy, thanks for your transparency! We all can come under attack and It does seem that the enemy will do anything to keep people from reading the living Word. God Bless You. Keep doing what you do!

  19. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    And it was with your encouragement and God’s will that I made it to the end… which gave me a new beginning. And I want to thank you!

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