I don’t WANT to be lazy

Scripture: Hebrews 6:12

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Observation: Don’t take your faith for granted and let things slide. Instead grow your faith and exercise patience.

Application: Especially as I am ending up another Bible reading challenge, it is easy to think about just sitting back and relaxing, resting on what I have already learned.

That would be a huge mistake, though.

Sitting still in your faith is not what God intends for us. He wants us to grow, to learn, to explore our faith and grow our relationship with him.

Prayer: Lord, I have been feeling lazy lately in my worldly duties. Do not allow me to grow lazy with you. Keep me focused, yearning, always craving more of you so that I can grow and be the woman and disciple you designed me to be. And I could also use a little help pulling me from my laziness towards my worldly duties, as well.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for allowing me to live in a place where it is so easy to serve you.

And thank you for the opportunity to serve my family and those around me.

Please push this laziness away and refill me with a passion to serve in the ways you want me to serve. Thank you, again, Lord for your faithfulness to me and for the opportunity to represent your love in service.


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