Just Serve

First, I want to apologize for my erratic SOAPy posting. It has not been easy to find computer time when I can clear my head and focus on what God might be sharing with me. So please know that I am doing the reading, and I will do my best to post. It has just been a challenge since Hurricane Ike.

Now, onto much more important things:

Scripture: Luke 1:38

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Observation: Simple. Mary’s response was simple, yet quite powerful. Being approached by one of our Lord’s angels and being told that your life would drastically change because you would give birth to the world’s savior had a to be an overwhelming experience. Yet Mary simply agrees and takes on the challenge.

She doesn’t ask questions. She doesn’t give conditions. She simply agrees and accepts the role she about to take.

“I am your servant, and I will do as you say.”

Application: Wow.

Just last night my husband and I had a stressful discussion. He asked me to put aside all my frustrations for a few days and take care of myself and our children without leaning on him. This upset me because I thought I was doing a pretty good job of that. And when he asked me how I was doing, I shared a few too many of my frustrations with him.

So when he told me how I could help, rather than saying, “Yes! I’m on it!” I got a little upset. I was hurt that what I was doing wasn’t good enough. And I tried to explain my point.

No, my husband is not the Lord, but I am his help-meet. It is my job, as given by God, to help him. And this is a time of need. No arguing, no explaining, no conditions. No “I was trying except THIS happened and then THIS….”

Nope. It’s my job to just say “Yes. God gave us to each other and I will help you.”

Hmmm. And maybe I could take a lesson in my intro, as well. I am called to serve. Not to explain my shortcomings. Just do the job as I am equipped by the Lord. And He will equip me to do just as He intends me to do.

Again, I do realize my husband is not the Lord, and they there are larger implications here. But I think this is my reminder for today. Do my God-given job without grumbling, without conditions, without saying “I thought I was doing a good job. Appreciate me.”

Just serve, because that’s how the Lord designed me.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord for this reminder: That I should accept my assignments and simply serve. Thank you for using me. And, Lord, in the times of struggle, please remind me to go to you:  my healer, my redeemer, my strengthener, my Savior. Thank you for this reminder that you alone will give me what I need.

Please guide me in my role this week as I will be separated from my husband so that he can get to work easier. Guide me in my role as mom, as wife and as your disciple. Please keep me from preventing your love and strength to shine through. And, please, comfort all those impacted by Hurricane Ike in any condition: Those simply inconvenienced and those struggling through great loss.

Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to serve. And thank you for this reminder to serve.


2 responses to “Just Serve”

  1. Thank you for this reminder, I’ve needed it lately! ;)

  2. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    God gives us strength for all things… even husbands:)

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