Let’s encourage moms together!

Earlier this week I was in a major grump slump and I cannot thank each of you enough who left an encouraging comment for your support. I made my way back to the sunshine, and my experience reminded me of why I wanted to launch MomsToolbox nearly 10 years ago when I bought the domain name.

Back then and still now, I wanted MomsToolbox to be a place of encouragement, a community where moms come to get support, grow and also share their own experiences.

When I first became a mom, I felt a little lost and a lot overwhelmed.

Since then I’ve learned that each and every one of us has something to offer another mom to help, guide and show the way, no matter how lost we feel ourselves And I want to get back to helping more moms share.

I’m bringing back Real (Experienced) Moms, and I want to know what moms want to know so I can tailor it to help YOU.

So, moms, want do you want to know? Where do you need help and support?

What are your toughest times as a mom? Where could you use a little help? Does mothering come easy to you or is it a challenge like it was for me?

And, moms who have been there… What stories can you share and wisdom can you give?

What have you overcome and how did you do it?

What are some of the best decisions you made in your life in terms of mothering… and which ones would you like to do over?

Especially with Bible in 90 Days in full swing, I know we have moms in all ages and stages reading.

I’d love to ask your support in resurrecting Real (Experienced) Moms so we can help moms together.

If you have a story to share that you think could help other moms, please send me an email and let me know.

So, moms, what do you want to know? How can a few Real (Experienced) Moms help?


7 responses to “Let’s encourage moms together!”

  1. Any advice for church nurseries? Viewpoint of the parents, of the pastor’s wife, of the nusery director, etc. THANKS!!

  2. I would love tips on encouraging servant hearts and selflessness in our children. It’s something mine struggle with a LOT. :)

  3. I would definitely like to hear about how they handled teen issues(like fitting in, loneliness, sibling rivalry, boys, lies), how thee dealt with them emotionally(the moms emotions), vs how they dealt with the kids. I sometimes feel so overwhelmed with stuff as kids get older, that I dont know how to deal with all of it.
    Also would love to hear what moms did when all there kids were in school and if they were a stay at home mom, how did they stay connected and find themselves..some one who is separate from mom…Does that make sense?

  4. I’d love to learn how other moms transitioned from 1 kid to two. My son is three and my daughter is 5 months. There are days when I feel that I’m never going to get used to the fact that there is only one of me and two of them. And they seem to constantly want me at the same time! :)

  5. This week has been hard for me as well. I have a 5 year old son who can work my nerves! I seem to be stressed all the time and feel overwhelmed! After working a full time job, stress is the last thing I need. Any suggestions?

  6. Jill Penrod Avatar
    Jill Penrod

    When you need time to destress, but don’t have the time what do you do? I am stressed and want to cry, but I have 6 kids ( 2 of which are too young to play without supervision) and the older ones are constantly arguing and working against me at every turn it seems like. And on top of that I have daily chores that I need to keep up with. This past week has been really hard on me, but can’t seem to find an outlet for my stress.

  7. Cminton73 Avatar

    I would like to hear stories from moms of teens or older that have already made it through the tween years/puberty/etc. That’s where I am right now and I think I’m doing pretty good but it’s always nice to get ideas from others on how they dealt with issues. I teach my girl about modesty and purity and try to focus on her education more than the latest celebrity or fad so that she can gain her confidence from being smart rather than just looks. So far its been easy with her but I just sometimes feel like I’m waiting for it all to fall apart! Lol Maybe it won’t. The “letting go” is sometimes hard but I keep reminding myself that she is her own person and my job is to help her become a responsible young woman. Then I look at her and see this half grown “woman-child” before me and all she wants to do is cuddle and play with dolls and I want to cry. haha! My hubby is really in for it with 2 emotional ladies in the house :))

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