My daily dose of strength

Scripture: Isaiah 33:2

“O Lord, be gracious to us;

we long for you.

Be our strength every morning,

Our salvation in time of distress.

Observation: He will give me a daily dose of strength every single morning. He’ll renew my strength and give me just what I need…  I just need to ask. And then my strength will be sure because it will come from the Lord. And then I can do His work the way He intends for me to do it. This would be so much better than doing what I, alone, think I should do.

If I can have the Creator of the universe on my team, don’t you think I should take Him up on his offer of strength every single morning without fail?

Application: I need to continue calling on Him daily, every single morning without fail. I’ve seen a difference since July 3. I cannot let this practice go.

Often I get into a good habit for awhile and then something makes it slip. I should not let it slip. I must keep this habit up of rising and meeting and getting my daily dose of true strength.

No, I haven’t been Wonder Woman since I’ve been back on track. But I’ve been better able to hear his whispering through the day. And He continues to mold me, to shape me and to guide me. Why would I want to give this up? Is there anything more valuable? No, even sleep is not more valuable.

Prayer: Dear Lord,

Thank you for enabling me to gain true strength from you every morning. Thank you for the time we spend together so I can hear you better and learn how to discern what comes from you and what comes from the world. Please keep me close, keep calling out for me. And when I consider sleeping in or finding another excuse for taking this time away from us, please call me back before I stray and give up this perfect gift. Thank you, Lord.


Now, with that being said, I feel I must make a special note to all my readers.

First of all, thank you for following along with me in my daily devotions. Knowing you are there is also helping me to keep true to my daily journaling.

Secondly, this weekend I will be away at a scrapbook retreat. I do not know what my internet access will be like, so it’s possible I won’t post my journal entries until Sunday night. But I will take the time and do them each morning. As God reminded me today, He is my strength. Why would I want to deny that strength and guidance? Although scrapbook retreats often mean a major change in schedule, I will stay true to this and listen to him at 6:30 each morning.

Please read along with me on your own and we’ll share our discoveries when I return.

Here’s what I’ll be reading:

Saturday, July 19:  2 Kings 17, 2 Chronicles 28, Psalm 46, James 3

Sunday, July 20:  2 Chronicles 29-31, James 4

I’ll be praying for you.


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