My kids LOVE to clear the table

At the end of almost every family meal around our table, our kids can’t wait to clear the table and they giggle through almost all of it.

How is it so much fun? Is our house really that cool? Well, let’s just say I have a clever (and fun ) husband.

My husband has made clearing the table into quite a game that our kids really enjoy… and we like it, too.

When a child is excused, he must clear his spot until it is completely clear without anything left on his placemat.

He might take his plate to the kitchen first and then return for his cup.

If he is super-fast, he might make it back to his spot before a grown-up has placed anything there. If so, and the spot is still completely clear, he will tag the placemat and be finished.

But if an adult has placed anything there, he must take that item to the kitchen and return until he is “so fast” that we “can’t” add to his spot.

Most night the kids clear everything from the table for us… and they love the challenge, racing from the kitchen back to the table to see if they can win. We have even established an “in door” and “out door” for our kitchen to prevent collisions.

This absolutely works for us. I bet you could make it work for you, too.

Have fun!!!

Do you have any good advice? Be sure to check out this week’s Works for Me Wednesday and share away…


7 responses to “My kids LOVE to clear the table”

  1. […] over to see why my kids LOVE to clear the table…  and have some fun of your […]

  2. Alrighty, this is a “must try” — even with tweens, they’re always at odds over who has cleared the most or who set more or whatever else makes things fair today.

  3. I just started having my two do this as well…it makes them feel connected somehow!

  4. what a great idea! love it.

    p.s. thanks for visiting and your comment.

  5. What a great idea and they don’t even realize they are doing a chore. LOL TFS

  6. Melissa Avatar

    I’m honestly going to try this one with my two boys. Their only 2 and 4 but I bet they would go for this. You’ll have to thank your husband for us and thank you for sharing this with us :)

  7. That is such a cool idea!! I’ll have to remember it for when I have kids! :)

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