Proverbs 19 SOAP: His plans should trump mine

In today’s reading, Proverbs 19, this is what grabbed me:


Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. — Proverbs 19:21

Listening to and following God’s plan, rather than chasing all of my ideas, will bring me lasting true success.

I have tons of plans. My mind races and brainstorms and creates lots of strategies. I want to do it all– in my business and at home. But in wanting to do it all, and then trying, I so often get frustrated because, well, I simply cannot.
I need to slllooooooow down. I need to listen to God. I need to invite him into conversations about all of my plans. He will help me, if I invite Him. He will help me if I listen.
I don’t think this scripture is saying all of our ideas are bad. My take is that we need his guidance in filtering them, and that His ways are the best ones.
My life has been so busy lately, making plans and trying to execute that I’ve let my quality and quantity time listening to God slip.
No mas.
He’s inviting me back.
He is reminding me here that He will help. He is reminding me that He’s got my back, and more.
I’m so thankful I jumped back in to daily reading and quiet time with Him.

Father, thanks for loving me and offering your guidance always. Thank you for the amazing gifts and direction you have shared, and for the reminder that you are here and that your ways are the best. Please guide me in calling out to you. I’m not sure how to ask for and receive some types of direction from you. I want strategies and action items outlined. I don’t think that’s how things are going to come from you. However, you are the ultimate CEO as well as home manager. You have seen what brings success and what does not more than anyone.
Help me as I call on you to listen, understand and follow.
I love you. I trust you.
Thank you.


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