Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 8, Proverbs 8: Seek wisdom from Him and be blessed

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox

Good Morning!!

Sorry I’m posting a little late today. It was a full (but joyous) morning at our house as we were celebrating our daughter’s birthday. I had a cake to frost before she made it downstairs… and then the birthday girl said, yes, she WOULD prefer to have birthday cake for breakfast rather than wait until after dinner. Of course that meant cake, singing, cards and a few gifts. Good stuff, friends :)

So now that she is off to school and I’m all sweaty from a workout, it’s time to share with YOU!

I am just LOVING the Proverbs. I sure hope are, too.

Today we are on Proverbs 8. Here’s what I got…

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 8

Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…

Scripture: Proverbs 8:34

Blessed is the one who listens to me,

watching daily at my gates,

waiting beside my doors.


Those who seek the Lord’s wisdom actively will be blessed.


Seeking the Lord’s wisdom daily is an easy thing to do, and yet it is also an easy thing to let slip, if you are not determined to do it.

Here the Lord promises blessings to those who actively seek Him. Seeking Him is as simple as committing to daily Bible reading, reflection and prayer. He gave us His Word to read. He gave us all the time we have, it is up to us what to do with that time.

He wants to give us the good stuff. All we need to do is seek Him and listen.

This week I have definitely been better at seeking and listening than I have in awhile. It has been one crazy busy week. I have no doubt that much of that craziness is the result of his blessings. I need to keep moving on His path, listening to His guidance and responding in the ways He knows are best.

He will bless us if we listen and follow His lead. Today’s passage again reminds us of that.


Father God,

Thank you for staying true to your Word, offering wisdom and blessings should we seek them from you.

Thank you for the wonderful reminders and assurance this week, and again today, that seeking you will bring blessings and goodness in my life. I certainly have seen that.

I want good things to be in my life. I want your blessings. I will continue to watch daily at your gates and wait beside your doors by reading your Word, reflecting on your Word, and praying to you to gain insight and favor. Thank you for making that so easy to do by giving us your Word in the Bible.

Thank you so much for this promise, yet again.

I love you.


Here is what I have heard in the past when reading Proverbs this way and using SOAP:

Proverbs in 31 Days ebook

FREE Printable Resources:

What about you?

What did you hear today? Did the same verse stand out to you or was it something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, if you are up for it.


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