Psalm 73: He will give me strength and what I need

bible-study-postScripture: Psalm 73: 26

My flesh and my heart may fail,

but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.


I may make mistakes, both in what I do and what I think, but leaning on God, and following his guidance, will put me on and keep me on the right path.


It’s nice to know that we aren’t expected to be perfect. It’s also nice to know that there is true guidance out there. He will give it to us if we look toward Him for it. He holds truth. He knows the way. Hearing those things may not always be easy, but they are there for us through Him.


Lord, as you know, I can sure make mistakes. I stumble. I mess up. I get frustrated and respond in ways that could be better.

Thank you so much for taking me back and loving me even through all of my slip-ups. Thank you for still giving me the strength I need when I seek it from you. Thank you for guiding me.

I need your guidance, Father. I need your help. I have so much pulling at me, big things and little things. Help me to see what truly is little. Help me to react to all of it appropriately. Show me how to do what needs to get done and how to show love even in frustration. I love you. You know the right path, You have blessed me in more ways than I can count. Thank you so much for that. Thank you for hearing my prayer now and for the knowledge that you are here. You hear me and you will answer. You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Thank you.



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