Psalm 75: Recount your blessings

Bible Study with

This morning I opened up my Bible app to read today’s Psalm and this first verse just made me smile:

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds. – Psalm 75:1


I obviously need to get over any guilt I felt for those days I wanted to linger over a Psalm for a few days or needed to let my regular daily posting schedule slip.

He wanted us to see this today of all days.

The Psalm in its entirety is pretty serious. It’s not a Hallmark card for Thanksgiving. But it is truth. And it reminds us to pause and recognize His power, strength, might and gifts that come as a result of that.

I invite you to pause for a few moments today between the family togetherness, turkey, pumpkin pie and sweet statements of thankfulness. Take a few moments in silence and really talk to Him. Recount His wondrous deeds to Him. Thank Him.

If you’re the journaling type, journal them. If you are the talking type, go somewhere where only He will hear and talk. If you really cannot get away anywhere, go into the bathroom, close the door, close the toilet lid and sit there talking to Him in silence.

And then listen.

Even in my storm, I am thankful for so many gifts that come straight from Him. I’m going to have my chat with Him in just a few minutes.

One thing I will be sure to thank Him for is YOU. Each of you reading means so much to me. Your prayers and support astound me. Thank you.


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