Psalms SOAP: May the Lord be exalted!

Day 45 of the Psalms in 60 Days

Today’s Reading: Psalms 108-109

Scripture: Psalm 108: 5

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.

Observation: May the Lord truly be glorified and His amazing power be revered everywhere!

Application: I do want the entire earth to revere His name and His power. My wish and prayer is that all recognize and love Him, sooner rather than later. And, to that end, I can share His love and His story with those around me, either in person or via the internet.

And that, my friend, is why I want to help so many people to read the entire Bible and that is why I serve as an online missionary with Global Media Outreach, answering emails from people all over the world seeking Christ. With both of those ministries, I am sharing the way, the truth and the light with people all over the world, exalting His name and helping people learn how and why they can do the same.

The Lord is good. The Lord is incredible. And I don’t want anyone to miss the chance to learn about Him and dance in his glory.

What about you? How are you sharing His love and His Word? There are so many other ways to share about Him. Don’t think of this as me asking you to boast of your service to Him. Instead, share your efforts and ideas so others can learn from your example and join in exalting him.

Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing. You are all-powerful and loving and so very, very good.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to share your love and your story with others via the internet. As you know, I used to get quite shy about sharing my faith and your amazing story. But now that you have allowed me to use the internet to share my faith, not only has my faith grown (as you promised in Philemon 1:6), but I have become bolder in teling your story both online and in person.

Lord, please embolden those who are apprehensive to talk about You, even though their love for you is strong. Guide them in finding the perfect way for each of them to exalt you all over the earth.

Tomorrow’s Reading: Psalms 110-113

Please, do share how you share. Your good ideas might give others good ideas that fit for them and that can only be better!


3 responses to “Psalms SOAP: May the Lord be exalted!”

  1. Yes, May the Lord alone be exalted. He alone is the one to be exalted in the day of the Lord. However, many are not prepared to meet him at his coming. There are many who seek to exalt themselves, but the bible teaches us that he who exalts himself shall be abased. Here is a bible study website that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ and him alone. Check it out.

  2. during 90 days challenge 1qtr of this year, I pray a lot. I esp pray for the salvation of others. I pray for more & more opportunities for people to read and hear the word of God.

    Know what? Last month the TV of my parents became defective, so they are listening to radio now. Few weeks ago I heard they are listening to Christian radio station and I saw my father reading the Bible! (both never happen before)

    We also started Bible study in our office every Monday – we started only 3, we are 5 attendees now :)

    I also got copy of World Watch List (WWL) to pray for countries where christians are most persecuted.

  3. Great verse!
    .-= Missie´s last blog ..Learning Wisdom =-.

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