Psalms SOAP: What’s on your tongue all day long?

Day 14 of the Psalms in 60 Days

Today’s Reading: Psalms 35 & 36

Scripture: Psalm 35:28

My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long.

Observation: As a follower of Christ, I should want to speak of God’s goodness and wonders all day long.

Application: Am I?

I think I am pretty much. But I could also do some second-thinking before opening my mouth on other things.

Complaining about something just to ‘get it off my chest’ really isn’t doing any good.

But sharing about God’s blessings is always a good thing.

And just so I don’t get any eye-rolls out there, no, I’m not talking about walking around saying “Praise the Lord!” all day long.

But I am talking about sharing good things. Sharing your amazement for all the glorious things that happen to you and giving credit to God for his hand in them. Doing what some might say is called ‘just being positive,’ and giving the Lord credit for those blessings. Sharing your wonder as to why He gifts you so much is a beautiful thing, too.

I am so thankful to the Lord for so many things. He continues to bless me over and over and over.

And if my mind is set on thanking Him, I’ll probably just see more of His beauty. But if it is set on complaining, even innocnet “venting” that I don’t think is going to do any harm, I will most likely miss some of the beauty.

Sure, I can share my disappointment with the Lord when I pray. I can share my frustrations with others with them directly and work toward a solution. I don’t have to be Pollyanna. But the more his praises roll of my tongue, I bet the more wonders I will see. And I want to enjoy those wonders!

Prayer: Lord, thank you so much for the uncountable gifts you give me.

Thank you for reminding me to bite my tongue on negativity and focus instead on your beauty. By doing that I am bound to only see more of it!

Thank you for this opportunity to share about my experiences with you and learn about you with so many others via the internet. I never imagined this sort if thing would have happenned!

Please, Lord, arm my heart today. Give me your vision of love and forgiveness and beauty as I start my day.

Keep me from frustration as my children struggle to get ready for school. Help me to be a kind encourager and see all the positives of the morning and not grumble, even inwardly, with any frustration. Guide my eyes and heart in seeing your blessings and their abilities rather than getting impatient with them. They are amazing gifts from you. And it is my honor to rear them, even in the more challenging times.

Please, Lord, help me to better see your blessings all day long and share about them in ways that would honor you.

You are amazing. You show me that every single day. Thank you!


5 responses to “Psalms SOAP: What’s on your tongue all day long?”

  1. trudie Avatar

    One of my favorite parts of the children’s time lesson a few weeks ago was, “you can praise God with just a smile” :) I just love that.

  2. This is something I’m working on and have struggled with for years. I know that I even feel better when more postive and encouraging words come out of my mouth.
    .-= stacy´s last blog ..April Clutter Challenge~Update =-.

  3. imnjupiter Avatar

    This is the same verse that stood out from the day’s readings. I try to have a positive outlook, but need to remember to share the joy of God’s abundant blessings with others, and not keep it to myself.

  4. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    I pray for patience and give thanks for all my blessings every day. Remember when we drove to school? Everyone in the other cars looked so unhappy and no one was smiling. Even when we didn’t feel like it we would put a smile on our face and we may have even sung a song… Find your smile at those frustrating moments.

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