Seek The Right Priorities!


“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”

Matthew 6:33


Ask God for guidance

Act on it honestly

All you need (and want) will be provided.


I don’t believe this says that all I ask for I will be given always. I believe that what is being said is that when I truly seek the kingdom of God, my priorities will be in alignment with His wishes for me.  When that happens, my desires will also be in alignment. He will provide what is right.


Father God,

Lover of my soul. I am trying to seek you and your will in all I do. In some cases, I am rocking that and in others, eek! I am falling quite short.  I don’t always act in your will and follow your direction.  I recognize that isn’t right and I want to correct that.

I need you to guide me in seeing and doing your will, as I’m not doing well solo.  It is frustrating when I slip up… and I bet there are many times I slip up without even realizing it! I want to seek your kingdom first.  I want that to be my priority.  I know that doing so will align all much better.

Will you please help me?  Show me when I’m wandering.  Correct my path, my intent and my action.

With you all is possible.  With you, I will seek only you.  You are the ultimate authority and I want to follow you alone.

Thank you for loving me and this promise that in seeking you all my needs will be added.  Guide me as I seek to live this out.  Thank you for your provision and this promise that when I truly seek you first all I need and desire will be provided. That’s powerful, exciting stuff!!

Thank you, Father. In your son’s glorious name I pray, Amen.


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