Seeking tips for drying sheets and blankets

Ya see that up there?

That is what happens every time I dry sheets or blankets in the dryer. They always get all waded up in a big ball and bang around my dryer, staying moist on the inside of the ball, not really drying. And then I shake the ball out, restart the dryer and repeat 15 minutes later.

Does anyone else out there have this problem? Is it a stackable thing? Or am I alone in my anguish?

And if you have pressed past it and found a solution, what do you do?

Friends and readers, I need you here. Please advise if you can.



6 responses to “Seeking tips for drying sheets and blankets”

  1. Amanda Avatar

    I use two wool balls in with mine but still doesn’t help🤔

  2. Similar to tennis balls… but I use dryer balls in my dryer. They solve this problem, help clothes dry faster, and are a safe alternative to dryer sheets.

  3. Tennis balls work wonders for this problem. Pop 2 in the dryer, problem solved!

  4. Mine were doing that, too. What seems to have fixed it is this: when you take the sheet out of the washer, shake it out and then put it in the dryer. Do the same with any other sheets – shake them out and then put them in. I found that my sheets were getting wadded up in the washer and if I transferred them that way, they got even worse. So by shaking them out and then putting them in the dryer, they do great.

  5. I think we all have this problem. To solve it, I have a pair of Ked tennis shoes that are used for one purpose, and one purpose only…. To dry sheets and bedding. I bought them used, paid very little for them ($3). I put them in the dryer, making sure I have shook all said bedding well before adding it to the dryer. It seems to keep everything from wadding up too badly. Sometimes it still happens, but not neatly as bad as when I forget to add them.

  6. I have the same problem. I run them like that and then I hang it on the deck to finish drying, or over the back of my dining room chairs if its raining out.

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