SOAP: Be the love!


“Be completely humble, gentle and patient,

bearing one another in love.”

–Ephesians 3:33


Be kind and loving.


Just do it!

Well, maybe I could say a touch more…

You know when you come across someone who is so incredibly nice? They are just kind and joyful when you least expect it?

That coat check girl at the convention that just takes your coat, smiles a massive smile and tells you to enjoy the conference– and she means it. The person who holds the door for you, smiles and actually says hello with every fiber of his being? The barista who doesn’t chide you for not being a coffee drinker but instead suggests a new tea you hadn’t thought of? Or what about the person who lets you cut in on traffic because you didn’t realize your exit was so close?

All of those are simple, and yet massive things, that bring me joy.

How easy is it to do something just that simple and bring joy to others? They are all pretty simple and yet can make a massive difference to someone who is a bit down, or even a lot down.

We are told to be humble, gentle and patient. How hard can that really be?

Today, I’m going to give each of those an extra try and then, of course, try to continue.

I bet it will be a much better day, no matter what happens, just by applying the mandate of Ephesians 3:33.


Thanks, Lord, for this guidance. Bring those people into my life today who could use some love. I’m going to do my best to shower them with it. Thank you for this opportunity to share your words with others and hopefully inspire them, too.


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