SOAP Daily Devotional: Submitting to my husband

When I’m not reading through the Bible in 90 Days, I use this reading plan to keep me in the Word daily.

If you aren’t already following a daily plan, or you are between plans, I hope you’ll consider joining me. Just jump in on today’s date.

Today’s Reading: Colossians 1-4

Here’s what I heard today using SOAP:

Scripture: Colossians3:18

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.


Seek and follow your husband’s guidance.


I like to be in charge of me. Seeking, listening and then following my husband’s guidance is a challenge for me.

The Lord instructs me to do that, though, and so I must.

About a year ago I wanted to blog through the Bible in 90 days and invite others to read with me. I thought it would be fun and also helpful to others.

“Of course this is a good thing,” I thought to myself. “I don’t  need to check in with my husband. My blog is my hobby and how could encouraging others to read the Bible ever be wrong? And he’s never read the whole  thing anyway, so he cannot relate. I don’t need his counsel.”

I am so thankful that I didn’t listen to those thoughts and instead stopped, shared my plans with him and sought his approval before going too far.

The Bible in 90 Days program has really taken over quite a bit of my life, and takes a lot more of my time than I ever expected. But because we agreed that I should host it the first  time and have agreed each time after that, it is not a source of contention in our marriage.

There was one time I wanted to add an extra session. He disagreed. I didn’t like that. But he was so very right.

I don’t run every little decision about my life through him. I do try to run most, though.

I am working so hard to reorganize my time and schedule. I have taken on quite few new projects lately and he and I are working together on a big new project together. As I reorganize, re-prioritize and refocus my efforts, I am talking with him about it, seeking his guidance and listening to him. And our respect for each other has grown.

No, I don’t like everything he has to say, but I am learning that I need his guidance. And I am learning that seeking and following it is honoring him and my Father.

I don’t know your personal situation.

I do know that this verse and message has struck me for as long as I have known it. It has been echoing in my head quite a bit louder lately. Finally, as I am growing up, it is striking me as a gift and not a curse. God bound me with my husband. He picked us out for each other. And he joined with me someone to whom I should submit.


Lord, thank you so much for my husband. Yes, there are times when he frustrates me and I am unhappy with him. But He is an amazing, loving, kind, level-headed man. As I said on our wedding day, he is your gift to me. Thank you.

Thank you so much for causing me to seek his guidance last year when I wanted to encourage others to read through the Bible in 90 days with me. I am so thankful he supported me and I am so thankful I asked first… neither one of us had any idea what we were in for!

Please continue to help us as I learn how to submit and as he learns how to guide.   I love how we are really growing into a team. Thank you.

Please strengthen all those who read this that they may see just how to apply it to their own lives in the way you intend. Thank you, Lord for that.


5 responses to “SOAP Daily Devotional: Submitting to my husband”

  1. I’m finally catching up on your blog today and this post was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for your honesty.

  2. I really needed to read this today…thank you for sharing your heart. It is an area I thought I was doing well in and for major things I do, but it is the little areas- that can then turn into big areas- like in the case of your example. thanks for the reminder :)

  3. Thanks for this; I really enjoy your posts and appreciate your transparency. Looking forward to starting my own 90-day journey alongside of you and others.

    I am on a similar journey of learning submission for my hubby; I have started to ask him about things I never thought I needed to. The result has been peace, blessing, and a unity in my marriage I had not even realized was missing before I started on this path. I think it makes my husband feel more valued than he has in the past and that is awesome, because he really is!

    1. I really appreciate your comment.
      I can really relate so much with what you said.
      I didn’t think anything was missing before, either. But I can see a great change. :)

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