SOAP: Go into the all the world and preach the good news… all from your computer

Scripture: Mark 16: 15

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

Observation: Spread the news about Jesus to everyone all over the world.

Application: This one, in the past, has been a tough one for me.

I don’t want to get into an argument with anyone about Jesus. I don’t want to be asked a question on the spot that I don’t know the answer to and then blow it with a potential believer because I sounded like an idiot. So I’ve held back quite a bit on the whole evangelizing/spreading the good news about the Son of God thing. It’s easy to talk about Him with other believers, but in a crowd of non-believers, I typically only made hints. Until now.

Now I’ve been given a unique opportunity (which I’m hoping doesn’t remain so unique!) to interact with those who have questions about Christ over the internet via secure email. I am answering questions and responding to comments by those who might be a little curious about Jesus Christ, but don’t know who or how to ask in person.

I have tons of resources a click away in case I get stuck and I can evangelize in my pj’s, when the kids are asleep or when I have a few moments in the middle of the day—It is completely up to me.

And, after answering emails, now I’m a bit bolder when talking with non-believers in person, as well.

Over the past few days I’ve harped a bit on this. But that is because my daily Bible reading has been confirming my decision to follow this path and help fulfill the Great Commission and spread the news to all the world.

And I’ll be straight with you: If you are a believer who loves the Lord and wants to share his Word on a daily basis, a weekly basis, or anywhere in between, you can do this, too. Really, you can. You’ll be trained, you’ll be coached and you’ll be changing lives for the Lord in no time.

Wanna see how many people are asking questions and where they are emailing from just today? Check out this real-time map of who is logging in, asking questions, receiving Christ and requesting feedback:

If you want to know more, please visit , leave me a question in the comments, and/or drop me an email using the box on the left sidebar. And if you are a blogger who would be willing to let me guest post about this on your blog, please let me know that, as well. I’ve got tons of angles I’d love to share with anyone who will listen.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your love for us, which is the truest love there ever could be. Thank you for your forgiveness, your guidance and the gift of eternal life with you for all who want it.

And thank you for the opportunity to share this love with people all over the world. I really appreciate you using me in a way I never thought I would be bold enough to be used. Thank you for what I am learning in sharing about you… and for how I am growing with every single email I send.

Please continue to guide me as one of your online missionaries. Use me how you see fit.

And, please, guide those others whom you might use in this way to respond to the call and help spread your good news and love all over the world, just as you have asked us to do.

Thank you, Father.

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday.


2 responses to “SOAP: Go into the all the world and preach the good news… all from your computer”

  1. […] SOAP: Go into All the World and Preach the Good News…all from your computer by Mom’s Toolbox […]

  2. AWESOME! that’s a wonderful idea — the internet can be such a beautiful blessing. So exciting to learn you’re grabbing that opportunity to run with it.

    Praise God!
    .-= sharon´s last blog ..just for the JOY of it =-.

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