SOAP: He desires true, faithful love

Good morning and welcome to my SOAP devotional time! I am reading Bible passages along with the She Reads Truth program. Right now we are smack in the middle of a survey of the Old Testament. (You can see the full reading schedule at This is the Old Testament on the She Reads Truth website.)

I like to use their print books, underline as I read, answer the questions there and then step back and use the SOAP method to bring it all home.

Here’s what I heard today:


For I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.   --Hosea 6:6


He wants TRUE, FULL love– devotion, interest– not things.


Our Father, the Creator of the world, wants true love and interest from us. Sure, actions are nice, but it is the MOTIVATION behind them that matters. Yes, we can show interest and support by studying, by doing good acts, but he wants our HEARTS. He wants us to WANT to do those things because we love him, not because we will get something in return.

“I desire faithful love… the knowledge of God…”

I know that when I am in love and when I love, I trust, I listen, I revere, I want to spend time with that person and I want to honor them and bring them joy. (And yes, I want them to want to be with me, too.)

The desire to learn about God and then following that desire with the learning, with the time, with the conversations to gain understanding and just BE with Him IS true, faithful love. I want to give Him that, because I DO love Him and I want to know more. I want to know everything He wants to show me… and probably more. (Don’t we all want to know more about anything we love?!) I am so grateful and delighted that my love is returned.


Father God, thank you for reaching out to me, for loving me always, faithfully, and for explaining that true love is exactly that. You don’t want meaningless actions or actions that are really, deep down, self-serving. You want me to live a life honoring of you, pointing to you, using gifts and talents you have shared with me as part of the body of Christ to echo your love and grow your kingdom.

I love you, I am here. I am here for your service because I love you– truly, deeply, completely.

Thank YOU for spending time with ME.. and for WANTING to spend time with me. I am so grateful.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Thank you for joining me!

In love,


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