SOAP: How horrible it would be not to be able to approach God!

Scripture: Job 23: 3-5

3If only I knew where to find him;

If only I could go to his dwelling!

4I would state my case before him

And fill my mouth with arguments

5I would find out what he would answer me,

And consider what he would say.

Observation: Here’s what I hear from Job: If I could just approach God and talk with him about my situation I would gain some true insight into my situation.

Application: Again, I cannot imagine living in such a way that I would have no one to go to ask why and how and what next. Job faced great suffering and wanted to know what to do about it. And he had no way to approach God about it, so he was even more deeply puzzled and frustrated. He went to his friends who offered up all they could… but their input was not appropriate.

Knowing Jesus, it is so difficult for me to fully understand this part of Job’s plight.

I cannot imagine not being able to approach God. Jesus allows me to have direct contact whenever I want it. And the Bible also allows direct contact.

I may not understand the answers right away, but I know that my Father hears me. And I know I can pray to Him at anytime.

Can you imagine the hopelessness of wanting to reach out to God but having no idea of how to do it? How desperate and desolate that would be!

Prayer: Lord, Father, Creator of the universe, thank you for your love of me. Thank you for reaching down and sending your son and taking human form and also the form of the Holy Spirit so that I, and everyone else, can have a direct relationship with you.

Please guide those that cannot see this to understand this gift and reach out and embrace it. Help those that are lost and longing to find a way to you.

Use me, Lord, in whatever way you wish to help reach those who don’t know you or are puzzled by you so that that frustration may no longer exist.

Please guide all of the world, this world you created, to know you, as you have said you would.

I am here, Lord. And I am at your service. Guide me in setting my ego aside and my desires aside so that I can just serveyou in whatever way you want to end that feeling of hopelessness and end that grip that Satan has.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to commune with you. Please help me help other to realize that gift.


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