SOAP: I won’t let Satan choke the Word out of me

Scripture: Mark 4: 18-19

18Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

Observation: This is part of a parable explaining people’s different reactions to the Word.

Some allow the noise of the world (and the efforts of Satan) to squash the beauty of the Word.

Application: Sometimes it is easy to be this type of soil or person. There is so much that ‘has’ to be done, so many tasks calling out to us and requiring attention and energy. And, as a result, often the beauty and truth of God gets shoved aside for another time or another day… And another day… Until it is pushed aside for way too long.

It takes effort to push Satan, and the calls of the world, away and be fertile soil for the Word/ seed of God.

I constantly need to remain aware of how I am spending my time and efforts and be sure to listen to God and respond to what I hear Him saying. If I don’t make a point to stop and listen, then eventually I’m going to let that Word get choked right out of my life. And I don’t want that to happen. I want to be fruitful and multiply the Word, sharing it with others so they can experience the Lord’s true love… And so that I can, too.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reminder to choose to be fruitful and not allow myself to shove aside our time in favor of anything else. You want me to be fruitful and enjoy your love as I share it with others.

Please, Lord, keep my close. Enable me to be fertile soil for your Word and your love. And guide me as I recognize Satan’s efforts to choke you out of my life.

If you would like to join me in my daily reading of the Word, drop me an email using the button on the above right and I’ll send you this quarter’s Bible reading schedule on a bookmark, my treat.


2 responses to “SOAP: I won’t let Satan choke the Word out of me”

  1. Great and insightful post!

    The funny thing is that I love our Lord so much, but I still find myself, feeling self-conscious sometimes, when I open my bible in “gasp” public to read and I have to mentally tell myself…”what are you doing?”, lol.

    Lately using the S.O.A.P. has been a great way to really just get that much needed insight AND shakeup to realize….hey…we are His lighthouses to the world and how can those who don’t know Him and are out in sea looking for safe harbor, see the light, if we selectively hide it and even ourselves…we don’t walk in a dark room and selectively turn on the flashlight.

    We keep it on so we can see the way and the same is to be said about reading His word. It’s to light the way in the darkness and turning it off, doesn’t help.
    .-= Twinkle Mom´s last blog ..Book Reflections: Chapter 3-When I feel like I don’t measure up =-.

  2. Wow I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this one. I’ve been praying for some direction and I knew it was a simple answer. I just didn’t want to accept the simple answer meant I needed to make some schedule changes.

    Yes good, good word. Thank you so much! ((hugs))

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