SOAP: Stop doubting. Just believe.

Scripture: Mark 9:23-24

23“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”24 The father instantly replied, “I do believe, but help me not doubt!”

Observation: In this passage a man has asked Jesus to free his son of an evil spirit within him. The disciples were unable to do it while Jesus was away, so the man asks Jesus to do it if he can. Jesus responds that of course he can, anything can happen… if the man believes. The man then says that he does believe, yet he has questions, although he does not want to have doubts.

Application: Perhaps I am projecting some of my own thoughts on the man in my observation. Sometimes I want to pray big, but my head isn’t completely in it… “How can this prayer really happen,” I might be thinking to myself as I pray. I need to stop that thinking. Our god is the almighty God, and all things are possible through Him. I need to pray my prayers, big and small, and let him sort out the details. If I believe, and it is in his will, the prayer will come about. And either way, He will answer. I must stop the doubting prayers and ask in complete faith.

Prayer: Lord, I am sorry that I doubt you, even as I believe you. Please forgive me for not having complete faith and instead questioning sometimes. Please guide me in my prayer times and everyday faith so that I will pray as you would have me to pray, and believe fully in your will. Guide me in listening to you so that I can hear you better and grow as you would have me to grow. And thank you, Lord, for loving me through all my faults and questions. You are an amazing god.



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