SOAP: What am I a slave to?

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6: 12

You may say, “I am allowed to do anything,” But I reply, “Not everything is good for you.” And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything.

Observation: I may be allowed to do anything, but that does not mean that my actions cannot be harmful to me.

Application: I am glad to find another passage that  touches on the questions I recently had about the Law and what is necessary to still follow. Yes, Jesus Christ dies for my many shortcomings, but that doesn’t mean I should pursue behavior or anything which can control me or be sinful. I must be careful to live as God intended and not allow my worldly actions to take over my life.

Hmmm… What things are taking over my life? Are my priorities (and efforts and time) really where God would have them be?

Prayer: Thanks for this wake-up call, Lord. I try to live a life honoring to you and sometimes I get caught up in other things that may not be what you intended for me. Help me to evaluate my actions and hobbies and find the balance you want me to have… the balance that puts you in charge and eliminates anything that is not honoring. And guide me to keep my efforts in check… even blogging can be a disservice to my family if I allow that to be a higher priority at times. Many things which can be good and glorifying can also be bad if I don’t keep watch. Please keep watch with me.



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