What would God think of my to-do list?

This morning I finished reading Hebrews with Hebrews 13. It felt very much like a gentle reminder of how I can live as God intended:

  • 1. Love each other
  • 2. Entertain strangers (You never know who the angels are)
  • 3. Remember prisoners and the mistreated
  • 4. Honor marriage
  • 5. Do not love money

… and on and on with really good stuff. You’ll get much more out of it you just read it for yourself, so go check it out.

 Reading it, though, really made me think about my own to-do lists.

 A dear friend of mine told me that all she really has done this summer is enjoy her kids. She’s been playing with them, building things, chasing things, hunting for things and enjoying the blessings the Lord has handed her in them.

 Why is it that I have such a hard time with that? Why do I have massive to-do list of other things, thinking I’ll get to the games or coloring or Legos once the dishwasher is unloaded, the toys upstairs are tidied, the plans are set for the evening, or the details for our next trip are ironed out? Mind you, these things are necessary, and many of the plans I’m coordinating and details I’m tending to relate quite directly to the kids. But why do I have such a tough time stopping and playing?

 As I was putting away forks last night, our 5 year-old asked me to do something with him. I told him I had to finish my job first. Then I thought about the fact that someday we’re going to really run out of time. And I have no way of knowing when that will be. Do I want to keep putting him off like that?

 What is on God’s to-do list for me? And how can I truly honor Him with the gift of time and so many other blessings He has shared with me?

 Please, Lord, guide me in using the gifts you have given me. Help me to play the role for which you designed me. Help me to submit to your ways and not my own. Guide me in setting my priorities so that they are in alignment with yours. And then, help me to hear your guidance so that I may stay on your path. You know what I have been designed to do. Do not let me be swayed by the wrong forces and influences. Please let this be about you and me, and not what everyone else thinks. Thank you for my children, my husband and the thousands upon thousands of other gifts with which you have blessed me. Please guide me in honoring those blessings. And thank you for continuing to bring this to mind. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.


4 responses to “What would God think of my to-do list?”

  1. This was exactly what I needed to hear. I too am often too busy to stop and play and really need to ask for God’s guidance to show me what’s on his to do list for me.

    Great post!!

  2. I am so so guilty of this. Thank you for the reminder of what should be on my to do list (that which God would have me do)!!

  3. […] reading my sister-in-law’s post, I was inspired to combine our Conquer the Clutter Challenge with Mommy […]

  4. screamofcontinuousness Avatar

    you are not alone. I think we all struggle with this.

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