When the storms don’t let up

Scripture: Exodus 7:3

But I will cause Pharaoh to be stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.

Observation: I really want to get everyone’s attention, so I am going to perform lots of miraculous signs.

Application: If you are reading along (I still have free bookmarks with the reading schedule. Just send an email with your address.) or if you are familiar with this passage, you know that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart many times. This cleared the way for God to show a glimpse of His power through several plagues and restoration after each. The Israelites were most likely wondering why they had to endure so much of the plagues right along with the Egyptians. They were told they would be set free, yet they probably had big doubts as to whether it would really happen.

But the Lord said it would. And he used these opportunities to make his desires and strength known. If they had been released at first request, perhaps some might think they were released due to the kindness of Pharaoh rather than the power of God.

So when the storms are pounding and pounding and pounding, we just need to hang in there and know that He is with us. And He will always be there. And we may not understand why things are going the way they are, but we don’t need to know. We just need to know He is there. And He will guide us if we let Him.

No, I’m not saying he is orchestrating pain. I’m not going there. I just know He wants us to hold on through pain and have faith.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reassurance. As you know, so many of us are facing lots of storms. And it is so often that in the face of struggle we want to make sense of it all. And sometimes we want to run and hide and sometimes even question you. But that is not up to us. It is just up to us to stay close to you, hold on tight and let you take us through.

Please, Lord, take us through. Allow all of us to see your hand, to feel your touch, to experience your love, as we lean on you and make it through life on earth. Thank you, Lord, for that comfort.

And thank you, Lord, for the friends you place in our lives who show You to us. Don’t let us forget to thank them for letting you work in their lives, too.

And on that note… Thank you for your kind words and prayers in response to my post yesterday. I really appreciate it. They helped me a LOT. And now, how interesting that I should find this today. Thank you, again for pointing me in the right direction.



One response to “When the storms don’t let up”

  1. Thanks for the words. I like you am tired and I am tired of being tired. You have given me some food for thought, thanks!

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