Working hard and trying to persevere


Last I wrote, aside from the wine events, I told you I was traveling and I’d, essentially, “be right back.” And, well, that didn’t happen. Instead life and work got in the way and I didn’t get right back in the swing of posting SOAP or much else, to be honest.

Life is full. Parenting has twists and turns. Building a company from scratch has its twists and turns. Together, they are wiping me out at times, to be honest.

The other day a friend posted this quote from Albert Einstein on her Facebook wall:

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

I keep reminding myself of that.

This morning my brother posted this, among the other things he learned in his 27 years of service to us in the Navy:

5. The “aha moment” on a hard problem makes it all worthwhile.

I am working toward that aha moment. I am searching to benefit from that opportunity. I am stretching and reaching and yes, I am growing. My kind husband told me he can see how I’ve grown as a leader and executive. And my kids must notice my determination because the other night my husband was talking with my daughter who asked what “diligent” meant and, after explaining it to her she said, “Like Mom?”

“Yes,” he said. “Like Mom.”

I have been building VineSleuth/Wine4.Me for four years. It’s a project I believe in and know can change not just the wine industry, but the way we, as individual consumers, will be able to get exactly what we want in all sorts of areas, not just wine. Rather than being ushered into liking and purchasing what ‘everyone else’ wants, our technology will help people better understand their tastes and help several industries meet those tastes and wants.

This has not been easy.

There have been sacrifices. I have missed Christmas concerts and field trips. Last December I even had to miss my brother-in-law’s funeral. That was awful.

Nearly every room in my house has piles of clutter.  Every week I think that will be the week to attack one room and make it better, and then that week goes by.

I miss my kids and husband when I travel for meetings and conferences. Making small talk is getting more difficult, even for this extrovert. (I’m even starting to wonder if I am really an introvert.)

But I know that opportunity is there.

I know that aha moment is around the bend.

It’s just not easy getting there. It is hard. But, like my daughter noticed, I am diligent.

I will get this done.

And I’ll try my best to post here as often as I can so you can join me in my journey.

Last week I attended an amazing event every single night. They were each fantastic, but together I think they wore me out a bit, too. (I want to share those with you. I hope to as soon as I can.) The weekend held great meetings in Florida (with great visits with my family there, which was awesome.) This weekend I’ll be judging wines for the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo International Wine Competition for the third time and then hopping a plane to London for the WineVision conference next week. Busy times, y’all!

Please hang in here with me. Please know I miss you when I don’t write. And please know, even when I don’t post, I’m doing my best to follow the Bible reading schedule I shared with you for the rest of the year. (Download your own bookmark so you can keep up, even when I am unable to post.)

I know I can’t be the only one pushing through hard work to reach that opportunity and aha moment. Parenting with or without another job is tough… and those aha moments are gorgeous when they come. Many of you are moms, pushing through that right alongside me, and many of you have other challenges right on top of that, or in place of that.

So to you, trudging along with me, sometimes skipping, running and laughing, and sometimes pulling your weight up the hill and barely making it: Keep it up.

The aha moment is right around the corner. We can do this. Listen to God. Listen to yourself. And let’s grab that opportunity, whatever it may be. Let’s be diligent so we can reap and share the rewards, whatever they may be. (And I’ll keep hoping for clutter-free rooms, too. A girl can dream…)



2 responses to “Working hard and trying to persevere”

  1. Hang in there Amy! I’m struggling with keeping up at home too. I sub at the school and it is usually very part-time, but I have been subbing every single day and gone at night getting kids to practices and such. My house is also a clutter/pile zone. I’m actually looking forward to Thanksgiving to have a break! I just keep reminding myself of the bigger paychecks I’ll be getting and that this too shall pass! Have fun “tasting” wine and traveling to London! Awesome perks if you ask me!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement. :) Sounds like you sure do have a lot on your plate, as well. Hang in there and I’ll pray for you each time I ask for help for me, too. :) (And yes, I do get to do some pretty amazing things with VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me! I’m looking forward to lots of fun parts in London, too.)

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