Adding fitness back into my schedule

just-for-you-post This morning, after dropping the kids at school, I went for a fitness assessment with a trainer. You see, things a have gotten out of hand over here and I am not taking care of myself as well as I should be. Launching VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me, as well as managing the rest of my life as a mom, wife and well, regular person,  has been time consuming and challenging. I was on a great path last spring and summer, but, unfortunately that came to an end last fall as a result of several hiccups which led to a spiral of excuses. One year later, it is time to pick that back up. When I exercise regularly I not only look better, but I feel better. My mind is clearer and I am more focused when I work. So why is it that, when push comes to shove, exercise gets shoved off of the calendar? No mas, people. I MUST change that.

So today I met with a trainer.

She weighed me, measured me and had me do a bunch of fitness assessment exercises. I did 19 push ups in a minute  (yep, from my toes, no knees, here)  during which I had to touch my chest to a ball on the floor for each one. I did fewer sit ups in a minute, held a plank for just over a minute and laughed at myself as I jumped back and forth over a step for a minute with as much coordination as I could muster. At the end she told me I was in above average shape, but also explained I had some work to do. (Umm, yep. That’s what I was there.) And so off I jump  (and lift and walk, etc) into my latest fitness journey. I am hopeful, not only for the physical fitness that I hope to gain, but also of the mental release and fitness I know I will gain, as well.

Is anyone else out there battling the schedule when it comes to fitness?

I am determined to win this battle and I’d love for you to join me, if you’d like. Together we can encourage each other. It worked for thousands of us in reading the Bible in 90 Days, why can’t it work for this, too?

Let’s do this, together!

One month ago I decided to make one small change and finally added a daily devotional back into my life. Several of you joined me and we are hearing His Word every day together now.  I LOVE that! Today I  work toward making another change. I’m adding fitness back in, this time just 5 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. My trainer suggested weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and cardio with intervals on the other days.

Mornings, anyone?

My new trainer also reminded me that, with a busy schedule, the morning is the only time that is truly mine– only I can take it away from me (except maybe a sick child). No meetings will run late, no school projects will be due and no winemakers dinners will be scheduled at that time. Getting to bed may not be that easy, but that’s where I’ll just have to take responsibility and do it. And so I choose mornings for my exercise time. Early mornings… before anyone else will be awake.

Would you like to join me?

Think about it. Pray about it. And think about what your exercise schedule could look like. I’ll write about my experiences on Fridays here in MomsToolbox, and I’d love to read about your experiences, too.

So, what do you think? Wanna join me?

If so, let me know in the comments of this post. Do you struggle with making exercise fit? Do you want that to change? And when’s the best time for YOU to exercise?


3 responses to “Adding fitness back into my schedule”

  1. I was doing so good this summer, then we went on vacation. I haven’t done a thing since we got back mid July. UGH. I’m supposed to be doing a 5k on Aug 30, I have a feeling I’ll be walking most of it. School starts Monday for us and then I get a bit of my life back, including working in fitness! I plan to exercise as soon as my kids leave in the morning, which is 7:45. But since I substitute teach, than can all go out the window when that phone rings in the morning.

  2. Joesette Avatar

    This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to be accountable, but not pushed or forced!

    1. I’m glad you feel that way… everyone has their own goals, reasons and plans (and motivations.)

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