Apple Butter Adventure… I can can!

I am so sorry to keep you hanging on the final chapter of my October 2008 Apple Butter Adventure.

It’s been a very full week and now I have a few minutes to bring you up to date:

After three days of simmering, my apple butter was finally ready for canning. And, no, before this I had not even dreamed of canning anything. Ever. No desire.

But since I made a massive vat of apple butter, and my protein bar recipe only calls for ¼ cup, there would be plenty of apple butter to can for later and share with friends.

So I bought a huge pot and a bunch of pint-sized mason jars. And I read the instructions about 17 times. I was ready to attempt this canning thing.

Before we go any further, I’d love to thank my lovely assistant, Mom, for taking many of these photographs. As you can tell, my hands were busy!! Great timing on your visit, by the way. Bet you’re glad you didn’t miss this adventure!

Okay, back to the photos and process…

First I washed and dried my jars and lids in the dishwasher to get them all nice and hot.

heating the jars

Next I put water in the pot, enough to cover the tops of the jars.

filling the canning pot

I filled the jars with the apple butter, leaving about a 1/2 inch on the top for expansion, and wiping any food off the top of the jar and threads.

clean the top before canning

I sealed the tops tightly.

closing the jar

Next I put the jars in the water and waited for the water to boil. Once it did, I let it boil for 10 minutes. (Check out the cook rack that came in the pot!)

boiling the jars

Once the time was up, I pulled the jars out of the water. (You’ll notice I do not have the official canning tongs. Instead I used my salad tongs and a hot glove-type thing.)

homemade canning tongs

I set the jars on my cooling rack to cool.

canned applebutter!

I would have loved to have been able to hear the popping noises the made when they officially sealed, but I had to go get the kids at school. So, instead, I jumped in the car, drove off and was so excited to see them all vacuum sealed when I returned home! Hooray!!

Like I mentioned a few days ago, I didn’t get to follow the recipe exactly, as my slow cooker could not manage that volume. So I’m guessing the flavor in mine is a little stronger than it should be, but I, personally, think it turned out quite well. This morning I smeared some on my pancakes and it was pretty good, if I may say so myself.

Now I just need to make those protein bars!!

Incase you want to get all crazy in your kitchen, here’s the recipe with my updated quantities:


Clean Eating Apple Butter (15 cups)

23 cups unsweetened applesauce, divided: 1 cups for first round, then 5 more cups

2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground cloves

½ teaspoon ground allspice

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Pinch nutmeg

3 cups agave nectar or Sucanat, divided: 2 cups for the first round, then 1 cup (You can find this near the sugar.)

  1. Place all ingredients in the biggest slow cooker you have. ( 5 ½  to 6 quart recommended) Place towels around your cooker, as it will splatter quite a bit. Leave the top open, or at least leave it WELL vented. I learned that the steam MUST be able to escape. Set it on low.
  2. Let it simmer for a very, very long time, stirring every now and then. My cookbook said 12 hours. But I ended up cooking for three days. I think my mistake was leaving it mostly covered. The next time, I will likely start it at bedtime and leave it open overnight, then see where to go from there.
  3. Once it gets nice and thick, add the rest of the applesauce and sweetener. Cook for another 3 hours or so.
  4. Once it is quite thick and of spreading consistency, you are finished cooking. If it is lumpy, consider using a hand-mixer to smooth it out.
  5. Get ready to can and enjoy!


One response to “Apple Butter Adventure… I can can!”

  1. Can I come can??? Can I? Can I??

    I have always wanted to. Seriously.
    I have a recipe for strawberry basil jam from So Living I have been dying to try for like 7 years.

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