B 90 Days Day 12 SOAP: Speaking only the words He puts into my mouth

Day 12 of the Bible in 90 Days

Today’s Reading: Numbers 21:8 – 32:19

Today I did my reading outside, tucked in a corner in the shade, while my kids played soccer at soccer camp.

I hope your reading is going well. Things often get tough about now, but I know that if you really try your best to find every pocket of time available to you to read, you can catch up or stay caught up. You are already past where most people give up in other Bible reading plans. Hang in there and claim your time for the Lord and you will be amazed at what is to come. I promise.

On with some SOAP:

Scripture: Numbers 22: 38

“Well, I have come to you now,” Balaam replied. “But can I say just anything? I must speak only what God puts in my mouth.”


I can only say what God directs. These words are from God and are truth. I cannot influence them.


I would love for my words to be more inspired by God and less inspired by me.


Lord, please guide me in being a better listener to you and in being a better communicator of your word. I know that the man referred to here was one you ordained to speak exactly your word and I am not. But Lord, please guide me in selecting my thoughts and words more carefully so that they are honoring to you and reflect your presence within me. I want to share your love and not my frustration or anything else negative. I want to honor you and represent you well to my children and others.
Thank you for inviting me to spend this time in your Word so that I can continue to grow and replace my sinful words and thoughts with those guided by you.


9 responses to “B 90 Days Day 12 SOAP: Speaking only the words He puts into my mouth”

  1. kim hansen Avatar
    kim hansen

    this really hit home for me, as my walk in my Christian life grows my prayer each morning consists of me asking God to make my thoughts, words and actions be those that HE chooses for me. I too want my day to be as he has planned it not as I want it, from thoughts, actions, words and works.

  2. I also had that message in my heart yesterday. Remembering that he said only what God told him to say and nothing more. It’s also refreshing to read it in context and as you noted that he was ordained to speak exactly His words but we can really learn from it even now. Thank you also for the encouragement to press on. I’m so thankful I comitted to this and it is already life changing. Excited for much new reading and growing and fellowship!

  3. I soaped 23:12! Listening to what God wants us to say can be a challenge…and this verse was a reminder that I don’t always pick the best words, but I can with the God’s direction. Have to get up 3 hours before work to exercise, do reading, and get everyone ready, but it’s worth it cause I’m definately feeling the positive effects of this commitment!

  4. […] Day 12: Speaking only the words He puts into my mouth […]

  5. Michaela Avatar

    Hi, I have been following you blog, and I hope you forgive me but I shared your blog on my facebook page as well as with my best friend on her blog page. It was the first thing I read today and I believe God is telling me something. Thank you so much for sharing this, is has been and is an inspiration. I am brand new in Christ so to say and I have even been able to finished the first book in the bible that suggested to me. I keep having to start from the beginning, every day because I loose my place. I have not been able to cut loose and find a quite place to read it, I am reading sitting on the couch, TV on, kids running around, I know God is telling me, find a quite place and read it. Anyway your blog has been great…keep up the great work. Thanks Michaela

  6. I also wrote about Balaam. I must have been something God really wanted us to get!

  7. http://bitsofyarn.wordpress.com/2010/07/16/1290-speaking-for-the-lord/

    Ha! we blogged about the same verse today. I couldn’t decide between two that really spoke to my heart…this one WON! ISn’t that funny?

  8. I really liked the story of Balaam, he stood firm and knew what was what!

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