B 90 Days Day 23 SOAP: Calling to the Lord makes my day better

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 12:11- 2 Samuel 22:18

I’m so excited for all of you who are reading through the Bible in 90 Days. I am still making my way through praying for each of you who checked in yesterday. For great tips on catching up on your Bible  90 Days reading, click that highlighted text and be inspired by one of our mentors, Kari, a busy mom who started with us late last January, and yet finished reading the entire Bible in 66 days.

On to today’s SOAP:

Scripture: 2Samuel 22:4

I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,

and I am saved from my enemies.


When I call out to the Lord, he keeps me from those things that harm me.


I find that when I spend time with the Lord in the morning, well before getting caught up in any tasks, the rest of my day goes much better. I feel better shielded from frustration or things that pull me off track.

No, every day that I start with my Bible reading and prayer time is not perfect. But I have noticed that the days I start that way I get more done and tend to have better days in general. When I call out to Him and ask His guidance on my day, he sees me through. He guides me. And I like that.


Lord, thank you for your guidance and love. Thank you for meeting with me in the mornings, or whenever I call out to you. Please, Lord, allow me to continue hearing you. And please, Lord, keep Satan’s distractions away from me.

Lord, I also ask thatyou guide each of our MomsToolbox community members and readers, as well. Help each one to see you working in her or his life as they reach out to you and shift priorities based on your plans for each of us.

Thank you, Lord for your love and devotion to each of us. Guide as as we worship you and hear you guidance for our lives.


15 responses to “B 90 Days Day 23 SOAP: Calling to the Lord makes my day better”

  1. […] Day 23 Calling to the Lord makes my day better […]

  2. Hi! I am so sorry I missed check in on Monday, but I am DEFINITELY still caught up and just totally forgot to let you know. Can I still be a part of the group?

  3. I forgot to comment on your guest post yesterday. Loved it! Great stuff!

  4. I keep missing the Monday check ins! Anyway, I am still running a couple of days behind but am not discouraged!

  5. Amen. Thanks for this post.

  6. missed checking in due to lousy internet connection but I am on target :)

  7. Hi didn’t check in yesterday, I am one day behind, but not discouraged, Lord willing, I will catch up and I am loving it!! I have learned so much. Thanks for the accountability!! Sorry I am late. I just forgot in the summer evening hubbub! : )

  8. Tabatha Avatar

    Great message today. I missed check in yesterday but in my defense I was on vacation still with no access to a computer! I stayed up with my reading though and I’m actually about a day ahead! :-)

  9. I am bummed . . . I am a few days behind. I have never missed a check in until yesterday. Hopefully, I will be all caught up by this evening.

  10. Missed checking in yesterday too, but I’m still here and am on track. Got about a day behind last week with VBS every evening, but caught up over the weekend.

  11. Missed checking in but am caught up. VBS is next week, blog time is minimal and will be then too! Posted a great quote from Francis Chan though, gave great perspective to some of the tougher stuff of the OT.


  12. I missed the check in post yesterday as well. I’m still behind, but making progress. We move in 30 days!

  13. I missed commenting yesterday! Oops! I am a couple days behind but know that I can catch up. Thank you for holding us accountable.

  14. I need thee, O, I need thee, Every hour I need thee…

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