B 90 Days Day 6 SOAP: Don’t do it all yourself

Today’s Reading: Exodus 15:19- Exodus 28:43

I try very hard to stay offline on Sundays, so there will not be a SOAP post from me tomorrow.

However, I’ve got a great message from Ted Cooper, the creator of Bible in 90 Days and the Bible in 90 Days Ministry, lined up for our Day 8/ Week 2 Check-In post so be sure to swing by.

Also, as a reminder, my only 2 requirements for reading the Bible in 90 Days with us are that you:

Read and that you

Check in with your progress every Monday with a comment or link from the weekly check-in post

All the other stuff like the Monday night Twitter parties, tweeting in general, daily SOAP, daily email messages from the Bible in 90 Days ministry, weekly audio messages, asking and answering questions on the MomsToolbox Facebook Fan Page and reading any additional resources (links coming soon) are designed to help, but if they take away from your reading, then get that reading done first.

If you signed up using the sign up form before Friday afternoon, then you have been assigned a mentor and will hear from her by Monday. If you did sign up before then and don’t get an email, please let me know. We have had some emails bounce back and a few participants who forgot to include any contact information. If you signed up after Friday afternoon, you will be assigned a mentor soon.

And, on that note, on with my SOAP observation for the day…

Scripture: Exodus 18:21

But select capable men from all the people– men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain–and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

Observation: Don’t try to do too much yourself. Find godly people to help you.

Application: Wow. This verse has really spoken to me. No, I am not a judge and no, I am not Moses, but I sure needed help in encouraging all the participants of the Bible in 90 Days and the Lord has provided incredible women to help with that.

I really wanted each person who signed up to get a personal prayer warrior and encourager.  I tried to contact all the participants the last time and wasn’t able to and felt quite overwhelmed, to be honest. (I thought maybe 20 readers might signup the first time. Ummm, God brought a few more than that.)

As the sign-ups multiplied this time I was amazed and yet nervous. But I shouldn’t have been.  The Lord brought incredible women who wanted to help right to my in-box. And they have already shown me how supportive, patient and encouraging they can be.

I am so thankful for the Lord’s provision for us. These ladies are going to pray all of our B90Day-ers right through the Bible. I can’t wait to celebrate with all of you in October!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for teaching us how to work together and form teams to serve you and further your kingdom.

And thank you for inspiring and equipping Ted Cooper to do that and allow me to run with Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days.

Please, Lord, empower each of our mentors to hear your Word and direction clearly as they encourage and pray for each participant. Please also show me how to encourage and pray for each of them, as well.  And let each reader hear you in an undeniable way and be spurred on to read more and more of your Word and be inspired in ways you want them to be.

Thank you, Lord for the Bible in 90 Days program and the impact it is having on each of our lives and on the world. And thanks for your provision. You are amazing!

PS: I think this can apply to so many situations in life. How can you lighten your load and encourage others to help? Pray and ask the Lord to show you. I sure will be!

See ya Monday at the check-in post. It will open for links and comments Sunday night/Monday morning at Midnight CST and close Monday night/ Tuesday morning at 2 a.m CST.


9 responses to “B 90 Days Day 6 SOAP: Don’t do it all yourself”

  1. Sydney Meshelle Taylor Avatar
    Sydney Meshelle Taylor

    Enjoying the journey.

  2. Continuing in this wonderful challenge!

  3. Sorry for not checking in on this blog even though I registered to read with you guys! I’m really reading and somewhat leading my own group. Check out our blog that we’ve been using as a tool tokeep each other accountable – if you’d like to blog with us please email me at lisa(at)graftechnology(dot)com for an invite.


    I just finished up Exodus and am ready to jump into Leviticus tomorrow! I’ll be sure to check back a little more frequently! Happy reading – prayers that you will each be blessed in your walk through this 90 Day Challenge!

  4. I just checked in at twitter. Thanks for the reminder that I cannot do this all by myself.

  5. Day 5 and 6

  6. Hi There! Hope your all having a good weekend. Day 6 reading done for today. I’m looking forward to our Tweeter check in on monday :)

  7. Today is also my Spiritual Birthday! I am 12 years old.

  8. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: Bible in 90 Days Day 6 SOAP: Don't do it all yourself: http://bit.ly/9uq9B2 #B90Days […]

  9. I am posting a verse or thought from the reading each day on my facebook status. When I went to pick the verse for today’s reading I completely forgot about this since it was at the beginning of the day’s reading (which of necessity got split into a couple of sessions) and I was bogged down in the details of the ark etc. Thanks for the reminder to me as I have the tendency to try to do it all. I am not a good at delegating although I know I should and need to let others help.

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