B 90 Days Week 4/ Day 22 Check in

Wow! Can you believe how much of the Bible you have already read?

If you are reading with us, by the end of today you should have read to page 264 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible or to 2Samuel 12:10.
(You can access the full reading schedule here.)

I know that some of you might be a bit (or a lot) behind and feeling a little frustrated or maybe even defeated right now. I want you to know that you CAN catch up. No matter how far back you are you can still catch up, join us and read the entire Bible with us by October 2.

Last time I was contacted by a reader a full month after the rest of us began reading. She wanted to be listed as a reader even though she knew should would finish a month after the rest of us. I wasn’t sure how to encourage her, but I was game to try.

Then an amazing thing happened… she read and read and read and then caught up with the rest of us! She caught up a full 3o days all while still continuing to live her very full life. And now she is on our mentor team helping others read.

How did she do it? I’ll let her tell you more about it…

So, you’ve fallen behind. A little bit? A lot?  Let me tell you a story that may be a little bit of encouragement to you.

Last January 31, I decided I wanted to read the Bible in 90 days—saw Amy’s website “advertising” it, and thought it would be a great challenge for me in the “new year.” So I began, only to discover I’d started 30 days AFTER Amy’s group had started. But that didn’t matter; I was determined to finish in MY 90 days. When I started getting toward 45 days, I began to really want to finish with the other group—but how do you catch up when you are behind 30 days?  (That’s a LOT of pages!! And right now, some of you who are behind 5 or 10 days are not feelin’ so bad.)

At first, I just read a few extra pages a day….and that caught me up 5 more days at the end of a week. But I was still behind 25 days and they were finishing in 10! So I asked the Lord to help me do this. Amazingly, He did. (Why are we always so surprised?!?)

In a matter of 16 days, I read and read and read and read…He cleared my days, He cleared my schedule, He provided space and quiet and time (and attention span) for me, and I finished with the rest of the gang. I read it in 66 days….and if I (a home school mom of 2 kids in middle and high school, a piano teacher, a wife and a swim team coach) can do it—anyone can!

I’ve written down some tips here for getting it done, and for catching up. Take what suits you, leave the rest….I really want you to succeed in this.  (In fact, there is a whole group of people who want you to succeed. The mentors have been praying and helping and loving on you—we want you to LOVE the Word…and to finish this going strong! These tips come from all of us, who’ve been there before…)

Reading the whole Bible in such a short period of time literally changed my life, changed my perspective, changed my outlook, and changed my heart. I want that for you too!

  • First things first. Decide that you really want to do this. Pray about it. If you really want this, you’ll be able to make time and get it done. (He will make a way for you.)
  • Tell God you are going to finish. Be determined to be true to your word.
  • How far behind are you? A couple days? Double up on Sunday and Monday, while keeping up with the daily reading. You’ll be caught up in no time.  A week or more? Make a plan. Stay with the current day in addition to reading ½ of each day you are behind until you‘ve caught up. It may take 2-3 weeks, but you can do it. It’ll require a commitment, but you’ve already committed, so that shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Redeem the Time. TAKE YOUR BIBLE EVERYWHERE YOU GO. If you have 20 minutes before the kids wake up, or they are over at a friend’s house for an afternoon, or your lunch plans at work fell through, or you suddenly find yourself waiting in the car at practice for an hour, USE IT! God has cleared your schedule and has given you this time…use it to catch up or get ahead. And then praise Him for it!
  • If you are having a particularly busy time and feel you cannot commit to the whole day’s reading, at least set aside 15 minutes to get something done
  • Read even if you only have 5 minutes to do it (while lunch is heating in the microwave, while waiting for your kids to get their shoes on…)
  • Read the daily reading as early as possible in the day. You’ll be far less likely to forget if it’s the first thing you do. Also, you’ll get quite a spiritual boost by making the Bible first each day! I don’t think it’s by chance that David said “early will I seek thee” in Psalms 63:1. I know it’s hard to get up, I really do. But it’ll be worth it with your sense of accomplishment.
  • This is a READING plan, not a STUDY plan. Just read. It’s approx. 12 pages a day, of reading. Don’t try to decipher the hidden Hebrew or Greek. Just read.
  • I’ve been encouraging my group to make a “LATER LIST.” If you really don’t understand something or want to know more about something, have a list with you when you read, and mark down a phrase, a verse or a concept that you want to study LATER. Then put it aside and READ. (Last spring, when I read, I did this, and by the end of the Bible, I had discovered I didn’t know a whole lot about WORSHIP—so I STUDIED it for a couple months AFTER I was done. It works, I promise.)
  • Find someone to ENCOURAGE you in this. It’s monumental, but not impossible. We all need friends. As nice as it is to have an In-Real-Life friend to do this with, it’s not always a luxury we experience. If no one in your Real Life will be the encouragement you need, email your mentor (and if you don’t have one…. Email Amy (amy at momstoolbox dot com). Email me (kari dot dyan at hotmail dot com).  We can be that encouragement. We can chat. We can brainstorm to figure out a solution…There’s no shame, or embarrassment, or judgment, or anything of the sort…Just a sister trying to help you hop over this roadblock and get back on track.

I realize that not everyone who signed up for this 90 day challenge is a born and bred Christian. I know that some of us haven’t known about God for very long. I know that some of us (myself included) don’t have a local church they attend or a local group to fellowship with. I know all of this, yet it doesn’t matter one bit. Why? Because we are all a fellowship now. Right here online. It’s the craziest thing, but all 500+ of us that signed up are in this together. So if you have a question, or need some help or want to vent, or are frustrated, email Amy….she’ll get you in touch with someone who will become your ally in and through this.

It’s worth it, I promise. (God promises it, too… it’s in there.) Now GO READ!

But first let us know how you are doing in the reading.

Like Kari said, there won’t be any judgment, just encouragement and love. Please scroll down and leave us a comment with how you are doing. If you are a blogger and wrote a post about your progress this week, please enter your link in the linky. Don’t forget to include a link in your post to this post so your readers can learn more about the challenge.

If you’re all caught up and want to read more about Kari, she blogs at Bits of Yarn.

And if you need a few more tips on getting ahead, another of our mentors, Beth at Adjunctmom, has a great top ten list of ideas.

Hope to ‘see’ ya tonight on Twitter from 8-9 CST using the #B90Days hashtag!

Now, on with the check in:


121 responses to “B 90 Days Week 4/ Day 22 Check in”

  1. I am one day behind but plan on making it up today and tomorrow to get back on track. Loving reading I Samuel though!

  2. Very inspiring!

  3. I’m plugging along…I’m behind but determined to catch up. Thanks for the tips in today’s post, and the encouragement to not give in or give up!

  4. I just finished day 21. Going to start day 22 shortly. Excellent list! Keep going, everyone!!

  5. i have about 3 chapters from yesterday’s reading and today’s chapters to do today. so pretty much right on track! we are traveling to minnesota this week to visit my family so it will be interesting to see how my reading habits change. i am determined to stay on track, though (and if i happen to fall behind i’m sure the 4 hour plane ride back can help me out with that :) ).

    still loving the challenge– i can’t believe how far we’ve come already, and my husband is IN for doing it with me next time because he is seeing how much i am learning already! LOVE IT!

  6. I am actually ahead on my reading and doing good at keeping up! I really am enjoying reading everyday and find myself not wanting to stop so I dont I read to where I can till my boys wake up from naps!!

  7. music_girl29 Avatar

    I have continued to stay on track this week, I’m really enjoying this and look forward to reading my Bible each day for the first time ever. Thanks so much to Amy and all the mentors – you all are fabulous!!

  8. I’m a day behind on my reading but I think I should be able to get caught up ok. I just finished Isaiah (was REALLY tough for me) and I’ve read the first day’s worth of Jeremiah which is going better.

    My “excuse” is I have family in town visiting so it’s harder for me to grab my Bible time. So I’m just reading on my iPod when I have a spare moment and that has been working well!

  9. I am four days behind and still do not have worries about it. The thing is – I’m reading every day and soaking in so much of the Word. I’m still certain I can catch up, but if I don’t….I still see this entire exercise as a success.

  10. I am four days behind. Thank you Amy and Kari for your encouragement. I am going to be praying for that extra time to read this week.

  11. Erin G Avatar
    Erin G

    Well, I’m behind on my reading for the first time. BUT, I already finished one day before the kiddos woke up this morning, so now I only have yesterday’s and today’s reading to do to catch up! I hope to be on track by the end of tomorrow. I’m still very excited about this, and am happily surprised at how easy the stories of the Samuel books are to read. The intro to I and II Samuel in my study Bible calls these books a masterpiece of literature, and I must agree. The stories are so fast-paced and compelling!

  12. Sorry I forgot to check in last Monday. Then I left to go to camp where there was no internet for the week. Quite a bit behind, but have kept my schedule clear this week and made a reading plan to be back on track by Sunday. Will be done Joshua Today fore sure.

  13. I am on schedule. I’m reading online this week, and it seems to read faster than using my Bible.

  14. I am beginning I Kings today. I must admit I have gotten tired of reading about wars. I’m ready to go onto something different. Today has already started out very busy, please pray I’ll be able to stay on target.


  15. Kirsten Perkins Avatar
    Kirsten Perkins

    I am a few days behind please pray for me to catch up today!

  16. amy goins Avatar
    amy goins

    I am still behind, but decided to give up on the daily SOAP this time.. I am going to JUST READ until i get caught up.
    thanks for the encouragment.

  17. So, I have to tell you that in light of my recent struggles, I cracked up when I read 1 Sam 6:5. The Lord has a wonderful sense of humor.

    Hang in there, people who are behind. I was four days behind yesterday morning. I have no idea how I caught up. I even read today’s last night so that I would not feel behind.

    I did keep a Bible with me throughout the day and I switched between different Bibles. I think the change of scenery was helpful.

  18. I am in II Chronicles (but I started on July 1st). I am learning so much and love the connections that I am making!

  19. I’m all caught up, praise the Lord, although for some reason this week was harder to get the motivation to read. I really felt like I was struggling with a bit of a spiritual battle over it. Thankfully and providentially, my pastor preached on the verse about not growing weary in doing good. My plan this week is to get about two days ahead of schedule to give me a little flexibility.

    Amy, thank you so much for your encouraging emails and your sweet comment on my blog. It really helps knowing that people are praying for me and cheering me on!

  20. Still behind a bit, but determined to catch up this week. My husband is away on business which means lots of quiet time in my evenings after the kids go to bed – hope to use that time for extra reading!

  21. I am one day behind! God blessed me and I was able to almost catch up by reading in the car while traveling yesterday. This is the first time I’ve ever read in the car and NOT gotten car sick! :) Awesome reading.

  22. I am about 1/2 a day behind but I have some free time right now so I’m off to read. Thanks for this encouraging post.

  23. I am a few days behind now….however, I have a 26 hour business trip this week with 5 hours on a plane total, I am a fast reader so will definately catch up and hopefully go a bit ahead even!

  24. Jessica Avatar

    I am a day ahead! Last week I was behind, but I got caught up in the story and found myself reading more. I wanted to make notes and questions as I read, but found that I had so manmy it took up all my time just to write them down. So, this time I am reading and enjoying only. Next time I will focus on understanding some of the more difficult things.

  25. I have read half of today’s reading and will read the other half this evening. I hope to read a little extra each day this week, because my best friends from college are coming in the area this weekend.

  26. Tammy B Avatar
    Tammy B

    I am keeping up but struggled to get yesterday’s done and will do todays tonight. My daughter had my grandson yesterday so we were at the hospital most of Sunday. Praise the Lord!

  27. I’m on track! I have enjoyed this past week of reading.

  28. Amanda Avatar

    I’m still a lot behind, but I’m reading every day, and I’m determined to press on, no matter what!! Today’s tips on getting caught up will help me a bunch – I’ll be taking them to heart for sure.

  29. Chrissy Avatar

    I have just a few pages left to read for today but otherwise caught up! I am so thankful for this experience! I’m learning something new each time I pick up my Bible! I look forward to my time in the Word each day!

  30. I am currently 7 days behind, but have a plan to read three days worth today, taking advantage of the fact that a few of my home daycare children will not be in my home today. Tomorrow I will do the same, and Wednesday too….if I cannot, then the rest of the week will be catch up days, as my home daycare will be closed while I am on holidays. Also, on Friday I am traveling for 2.5 hours in the car for a daytrip and can do some reading then too! I am loving the challenge, especially because it is making me aware of what I hold as priority in my daily routine! Thanks for hosting:)

  31. Kay Schenkel Avatar
    Kay Schenkel

    All current!
    Hope to see you on twitter tonight.

  32. Pamela Shamblin Avatar
    Pamela Shamblin

    I am still on track with the reading. I look forward to it each morning. It’s now a habit to wake up earlier (I have NEVER done that before for anything!) and read some or all before starting my day. Now if I could just do that with exercise! Thank you, Amy!

  33. I’m a little behind this week. Went to the beach and got a bit off track. The readings right now are not going as well as the first part, but I’m hanging in there! Good luck!

  34. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    I am slowing catching up! Yeah!! I hoped to be caught up on Friday, but it seems I have more time to read during the week on top of working 9 hours a day than I do on days off at home! Go figure. I find myself getting more and more emotional with each death. Joseph, Moses, Joshua…I did not expect that. I am really taking advantage of the listen while you read aspect when I read at home at night. It really seems to hit on a whole new level.

  35. I am all caught up on my reading. I linked up with a blog post above.

  36. Martha Avatar

    Still behind, but still loving it.

  37. I really believe that the first key is the most vital: Decide that you really want to do this.

    Right now I am on track and haven’t fallen behind. I’ve made that decision that I really want to do it. Not to be some “super spiritual Christian” (because it won’t do that), but because I tend to start things and never finish them. And also because I want to show God how much He means to me (in this tiny way) by setting everything else aside to do this one small thing.

    I hope this puts a discipline in me to keep going and read everyday. Maybe not in the same capacity, but 4-5 chapters won’t hurt anything everyday. I have always said how important it is to be grounded in the Word, and consistency is the key to that.

    Anyways, keep up the good work everyone!!!

  38. I read at night so I’m technically behind today but I’ll be up with ya’ll this evening. I feel a real sense of accomplishment that I’m still doing it and caught up. It has to be the Hand of God. I couldn’t do it on my own.

  39. I about 7 days behind, but I’ll get caught up this week. We were gone on vacation last week and that made it hard to stay on track. I’ll double up this week and get caught back up.


  40. On schedule for this week! I am amazed how quickly this became a much anticipated portion of my day!

  41. I am on schedule for today.

  42. Finally~ I’m home on a Monday and was able to sign in with my link this week! I’ve missed linking up the past 2 weeks (though my posts are up on my blog). This has been an amazing journey so far! I’m looking forward to seeing what else God has in store for all of us as we continue reading his word!

  43. Right on tract this week. I now need to get a head a couple of days, since I will be having company form out of town this coming weekend.
    Blessings to all in the name of Jesus our Lord and Master,

  44. Right on schedule!

  45. I’m caught up to Day 22, but not where I wanted to be. My mom is coming on Wednesday (I haven’t seen her for a year). We have a trip planned and then several all day outings, so I was hoping to be to day 28 by today and I think I will only make it to day 26 or 27. I’m enjoying the reading and amazed how it is becoming habit to sit down for 5-10 minutes and get some reading done during the “semi-quiet” times I get.

    I should also let you know next week I may not make Check in, we will be driving home from a MN and not sure when we will get back.

  46. Anna B Avatar
    Anna B

    I’m caught up. I did forget to read one day this week (just had a tough evening) but I got caught back up a couple days later. Fortunately this section is quick reading with all the adventures going on!

    I’ll read today’s later on today! Thanks for this great challenge – it really is true that God provides the grace!!

  47. Elizabeth Avatar

    A little behind again, but planning to make it up and maybe a little more today!

  48. I am all caught up on my reading.

  49. Michelle Brown Avatar
    Michelle Brown

    It has been challenging trying to keep up with the reading, but I have enjoyed the knowledge that I have obtained. I feel as if I am a small child learning to read. It is wonderful! We serve such an awesome God!

  50. I skipped a day this week, but managed to stay a week ahead with a few extra pages here and there. I’ll be reading Day 28 on Monday. I hope to get a little more ahead this week while out of town.