B 90 Days Week 9/ Day 57 Check in

Wow! We are already at Day 57 of the Bible in 90 Days!

To be up to date, by the time you go to sleep tonight you should have read through Jeremiah 47:7 or page 684 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible.

We are definitely in the homestretch… of this adventure, anyway. And I am so glad you are taking it with me.

Unfortunately I cannot control my children’s school calendar and I have to miss tonight’s Twitter party. Fortunately, though, my sister in law, The Happy Housewife, will guide you tonight in my place. She is a Bible in 90 Days graduate, an incredible blogger, great Tweeter and an even better sister-in-law.

She will chat using the #B90Days hashtag. Her Twitter ID is @HappyHousewife, so go ahead and follow her and get ready for a lively chat tonight, whether you are caught up in the reading or not.

To help you get to know her a bit better before tonight, though, I am re-posting a piece she wrote explaining how she did her Bible in 90 Days reading during our last session.

I hope you enjoy her tips and her conversation tonight on Twitter.

Don’t forget to post a comment letting us know how you are doing with the reading or link to your own check in post at the end. Hope you have fun on Twitter tonight without me!

The Happy Housewife plan for Reading the Bible in 90 Days

In order to succeed at reading through the entire Bible in 90 days I knew I needed to come up with a plan. It is pretty basic, but it works!

First, get a Bible bag, basket, tote, container, just something that is portable. My bag contains my 90 Day Bible, a notebook, another book I am reading for Bible study, 2 highlighters and a pen. This bag goes with me up and down the stairs, to church, and to appointments. Whenever I have a spare moment I pick up the Bible and read a page or two. Not only does this help me keep up with the reading, when my children see me, I am reading the Bible!

Second, when I read I always have a highlighter in my hand. When I come across a passage I don’t understand, or I want to study further I highlight it. I also highlight my favorite verses or meaningful passages. When I finish the 90 Day challenge my plan is to go back through the Bible and study these passages. By highlighting I don’t get stuck in a certain portion of scripture and fall behind in my reading.

I have really enjoyed the Bible in 90 Days challenge. One thing that stands out to me is the big picture that is unfolding almost daily. When I read through Leviticus I can’t help but think,

“Thank you Lord for sending your son Jesus to die for our sins! I could never keep up with all those laws and sacrifices! Thank you for providing the perfect sacrifice!

I find that each day I look forward to picking up my Bible and reading those twelve pages. While many of these passages are not unfamiliar to me, many times I feel like I am reading them for the first time. I am excited to see God’s plan for all who are taking part in this challenge.

Thanks, Toni, for the tips on how you are reading through the Bible in 90 days with us!

So… How about you? How are you getting your reading done? And how far along are you? Let us know! And then have fun tonight on Twitter without me.

After you link up and/ or comment, please pick 5 other commenters in our community to pray for. Thanks!


90 responses to “B 90 Days Week 9/ Day 57 Check in”

  1. Pamela S. Avatar
    Pamela S.

    Day 57, wow, I almost can’t believe it! I am on reading for day 56 and hope to have it read before the tweet up tonight. I don’t like being behind, but thank goodness it’s just a day.

  2. thought I was caught up today finally but I was on day 56 and here I find i am supposed to be on day 57. Guess I will read two days worth tomorrow.
    Can’t seem to keep up with the blogging but at least the reading is back on track.

  3. Still behind. Not giving up yet though! I’m still stuck in Psalms but getting to the end of that book. :-)

  4. I am still a little behind but made a lot of progress over the weekend. I really love reading the Bible this way! My plan is to catch up completely during my three day weekend coming up!

  5. I was all excited to think that I was all caught up, but I must have made a mistake because I have read through day 56. i will read day 57 and 58 tomorrow and be caught up for real. i have not had time nor dependable internet to keep up with the blogging but I have read, and that is what counts!

  6. Knowing that the Lord is sovereign, these past few weeks have been interesting to say the least. In the past four weeks, I’ve been sick twice, gone away twice, lost a close family friend and faced a lay-off at work. However, the Lord has been kind to show me that even though I’m a few days behind, He has me right where He wants me.

    I’m still hoping to catch up for next week…use the long weekend to my advantage!

  7. I am a little behind, but I am not going to let it get me down. I had a busy weekend and I am going to catch up. Mostly tonight and then I will be back on track!

  8. I’m far behind after starting school two weeks ago. Getting up and leaving for work at 6am messed up my morning routine, but I’m finally awake enough at night now to start up again. I’ll just keep going though I’m behind. I hope to do a bit of catching up over Labor Day, but I will likely be a Bible in 100 days girl this time around. Have a great week!

  9. I’m currently on yesterday’s reading. I probably won’t get finished with that and today’s reading yet today but hopefully over the course of the next week I will make up the lost ground.

  10. I like the highlighter idea and I wish I had done that. Maybe next time? I just finished today’s reading! I’m enjoying reading Jeremiah and yet it is so hard to read how the Israelite continued to do their own thing and not yield to the word of the Lord that Jeremiah spoke. I wonder what they were thinking after everything was said and done.

  11. Came into this week 1 day behind after being away and our youngest getting sick. I had high hopes of catching up when baby felt better last monday.

    however, Wednesday baby woke up with a cold, and by Thursday night we were all sick! At one point I am so embarrassed to say I was 3 days behind, but I am back to being one day behind with high hopes of catching up now that we are on the mend.

    The important thing is that we just keep reading, and remember that it is more important to be faithful to God about all else (not just reading to get it done because the plan says to even though I cannot remember what I just read!) Although I am definitely praying that God would help me do this because it was His idea! :-)

  12. Hi Amy,
    I’m still behind…way behind. But, still catching up and still committed to finishing with the group :)


  13. Kirsten Avatar

    Still behind, not giving up…gonna get caught up!

  14. I’m bogged down around Jeremiah 12, but I’m not giving up! I need prayer for motivation!

  15. I am on track this week!!!!!!!!!! After much catching up over the weekend!

  16. Chrissy D Avatar
    Chrissy D

    I am still in Isaiah 22; behind but I don’t feel all is lost. I have been about a day or so behind this month though my daughter being sick last week really through me for a loop. I’m still committed and enjoying the reading each day. I’ll be working toward catching up and finishing with the rest of the group on time!

  17. I’m about 2 days behind now, but I hope to be caught up by tonight. I love this!

  18. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    LOVING IT! I am still behind but consistently so. :) My mother rolls into town for 45 days on Friday. With two extra sets of hands, I will be caught up again soon. Then my goal will be to stay caught up. I am reading a day’s worth of reading each day, but when my baby was ill, I fell behind and have not been able to scrounge up the extra reading time. I don’t want to use my two days grace, I want to be there to finish with the group and I will be! I will be!

  19. Rebecca Avatar

    It seems there are a few of us who are a day behind. Add me to that group, but I am working on getting caught up. I read a bit extra last night and hope to do the same tonight.

  20. Jessica Avatar

    I am a day behind, but not worried.

  21. Sharity Avatar

    Only a day behind!


  22. I’m a wee bit behind . . . ok, a lot behind. With our homeschool starting up and being ever so pregnant . . . my original plan that was working for my morning time of reading is failing me. But I am not so far behind that I feel all is lost. I am in Isaiah . . . still writing down all of my favorite verses from the entire Bible to paint on the walls of our house. I read two days worth yesterday. Still grateful for doing B90 . . . and loving how God has had conversations drop into my lap of what I just read!

  23. I’m behind right now. I hope to catch up, but it seems a bit daunting. I’ve caught up before, however, and I should be able to do it again.

  24. I’m half way done with Day 55. Last week was crazy with lots of kids’ activities. Hopefully I will catch up by mid week. See you tonight.

  25. Jaycelyn Avatar

    I am enjoying time with a house guests and I’m only one day behind. It may be more before she is settled somewhere else, but I hope to catch up sometime this week.

  26. I am on schedule with the reading today. I was hoping to get ahead to help keep up while we are on vacation this week, but only seemed to have the time to keep up, not read extra. So, this week I will have to work hard to make the time to keep reading while we are on the road. Happy Reading.

  27. Kimberly Avatar

    Still behind. I absolutely loved reading Proverbs and finished with those last night. So much of what I read spoke to me. I have a problem in my head with marking the Bible with a highlighter so I end up folding over the pages instead (I know, weird). Anyway, almost every page on Proverbs has a fold! Kimberly

  28. I will start I John today. More than likely, Lord willing, I will finish reading the Bible this week! I am so excited!!!!

  29. Well, I’ve survived the first week of the semester, and I’m still caught up in my reading! I’ve been getting up and doing my reading before I go to class. Otherwise, it would get put off until the end of the day when I’m barely awake. I’ve discovered if anything is truly important and a priority in my life, I need to do it in the morning before I do anything else.

    Thank you so much for all the encouragement. I can’t believe that I’ve come this far!

  30. LauraBeth Avatar

    I’m behind . . . still behind!! My children are going to visit their grandparents for a couple of days this week, and I’m hoping that it gives me the chance to catch up!!

  31. Still on track, read day 58 this morning. I also use a highlighter to mark important to me passages or verses. It is a great way to remember what was important to me then, and to help focus my SOAP.

  32. oops…that should say `I’m right on target`

  33. I’m right I target. I begin reading Ezekiel today.

  34. I’m still sticking with it and am actually a little ahead. This morning, I read Day 62’s passage. I’m going to try to double up this week, as we’ve got a business/pleasure trip to Williamsburg in 2 weeks and I’d feel better knowing I’m ahead before we leave.

  35. Still farther behind. Homeschool starts here next week and I won’t be able to double up on readings. SO, I’m going to continue to plug away at it and if it takes be a bit longer than 90 days, then so be it :) What’s important is that I’m doing much better at fitting in Bible reading. Fridays and weekends are what’s messing me up, as we’re on the go all that time and get busy with family time.


  36. Ugh! I’m behind. I didn’t get much reading done this past week. But I’m still working on it & know I’ll get there. I think this part was tough for me last time too!
    Thanks for all you do Amy!!

  37. I am still 6 days behind. Sort of got stuck in Proverbs (who’d a thunk?) I’m on Isaiah and plan on knocking out a big chunk today.

  38. Tammy B Avatar
    Tammy B

    Good morning! I am on track and so thankful for all you have done Amy to keep us motivated. Not only has this inspired me to read through the bible but it has helped me to get up and walk every morning. When I don’t feel like it I remind myself if I can read the entire bible in 90 days I can walk for 30 minutes. Thank you for encouraging me in my spiritual walk. Who would have thought it would help in my physical walk :).

  39. I got really behind but now I’m happy to say I’m only 10 days behind. Ack! I know that’s still a lot but I will not give up! Thanks for giving me accountability, Amy.

  40. I didn’t discover your site until recently and love this idea…I was going to wait until you started again, but decided, why not jump in now where you are and then start from the beginning when you start again? (Especially since I have tried reading through the Bible several times so I’ve read the first few books of the Bible more times than the middle.)
    Anyway, I love what you do with the highlighter! My problem has always been getting caught up in what I don’t understand, but if I stop right then, I get distracted. Now, I know to highlight and then when I’m done reading, I can go to my commentary or Bible dictionary or husband or whatever resource to help me understand. The dry highlighters are great for Bibles…I love mine.

    Thanks so much for your site!!!

  41. I was farther behind that I thought I was, but I caught myself up yesterday and am halfway through today’s reading. I hope to get ahead again soon so that feeling doesn’t creep up on me again.

  42. Roberta Avatar

    Good Morning to ALL, looking forward to the get together tonight. Rhonda and Roberta are still in the program – looking forward to what’s ahead! Thanks Amy for all you have done and will do in the future.

  43. I am all set to finish the entire Bible THIS WEEK! YAY! I have about 3 days of reading to go, plus perhaps 30 chapters in Psalms. My reading got a little derailed while I was visiting family but I was still able to do at least some reading most days, so that’s been good.

    Now, I’m trying to figure out what I will study next, and how I’ll go about it.

    Oh and i wanted to share — having the Bible on my iPod Touch has been so helpful in me doing some reading during spare found moments when I wouldn’t necessarily think about having my Bible with me.

    And if you have readers who are intimidated by reading the entire Bible in a short time, maybe they could consider just reading the New Testament first, in say a month or so.

  44. I like the idea of a cute bag to carry around….

  45. I am still several days behind, but my goal has been to be caught up and start back to reading one day by September 1. In the last few days, I’ve gotten a HUGE chunk done and by the grace of God, I WILL get back to the days of reading one day’s worth. : ) (I’ve been reading five and six days’ worth lately…)

    God has been faithful to provide the time and the motivation, and I know that I can trust Him to help me get caught back up. Blessed be the name of the LORD!

  46. On track! Still loving it!

  47. Staying caught up, with some difficulty.

    It’s taking me a long time to read the Jeremiah chapters, mostly because I keep thinking about my church denomination and our nation, and how much these warnings apply to us!!

    I adore the prophets, but my mind can wander very easily – maybe this is good because I often end up praying for people, but it makes my reading take a long time!!


  48. 3 days behind! I got 3 days ahead so I’d be right on time after I came home with baby, but then spent the first 3 days at home NOT reading my Bible. I admit it. I forgot. Can I blame hormones for this? Catching up, though!

  49. Well….. I was 8 days behind when I woke up this morning. {gasp} But, I am “only” 4 days behind now. Hoping to catch up in a few days.

    And can I just say that I LOVED Leviticus in comparison to the wisdom chapters. Who wudda thunk it?

  50. I’ve been doing the same thing…highlighting verses to go back through later! I probably won’t make the Twitter party either…have a good time at the school function!

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