Bible in 90 Days: Day 67 Check-in

If you are participating in the Bible in 90 Days challenge, today you are on Day 67 and should have read through the end of page 805 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible or through Zechariah 10:12.

I hope you are doing well in your reading of the Bible in 90 Days. Having completed this challenge several times myself, I know what commitment it takes… and I also know the incredible reward of completing it.

If you are struggling, please know that I want to help you in any way I possibly can. Please share your concerns so that either I, or another reader, can help to encourage you or offer you solid advice.

As we are in the homestretch, it is increasingly important that I hear from Bible in Days participants in one way or another.

I need to clean up my list of participants, know who especially needs fervent prayer and begin to prepare the gifts I intend to share with each of you who completes the challenge. And I cannot do any of that unless I hear from you.

Please leave a comment or a link if you’re reading with us so I’ll know about you. And if you are a blogger, please ask those who are reading your blog if they might be participating and encourage them to check in here, as well. I want to be sure to give credit to all who are reading and completing the reading with us.

This week Teri Lynne Underwood of Pleasing to You is sharing what she has learned and how she has been transformed by reading the Bible in 90 Days with us…

When Amy first asked me about writing a post for the Bible in 90 Days blog, I said, “Sure.”  And then thought, “What on earth will I write about?”  But, as always, God was faithful to show me what to share and I do hope you will be encouraged by the lessons I have learned.  Amy, thank you, for letting me share just a little of my experience through this process.

I decided to do the Bible in 90 Days challenge right after Christmas.  My husband and I used the Gospel of Luke as our reading leading up to Christmas, one chapter a day.  I was amazed at how reading through the account of Christ’s life in preparation for celebrating His birth affected me.  So, I knew that reading the entire Bible as I prepared for Easter would be a powerful experience.  And, thus far, it has been just that.

Today, I am going to share four lessons I’ve learned through this process.

  1. I’m more disciplined than I realized. For the past six years or so, I’ve been getting up between an hour and two hours before the rest of my family in order to spend time in Bible study and prayer.  I always say that my rule is, “I don’t speak to anyone until I’ve listened to the Lord.”   I hadn’t realized the impact this has in my life until doing this challenge.  So many others have been struggling to find the time to do the reading and that hasn’t been an issue for me.  I already was devoting the necessary time to the Lord.  {Now, lest you think I have it “together,” keep reading …}
  2. I can’t do it all! I had the first three months of the year all planned out.  I was going to do the Bible in 90 Days challenge, teach through the book of Esther on my blog, teach a Bible study on James at a local church, study the Jewish feasts and prepare a series on that, write a devotion book with my husband to help raise funds for his mission trip this summer, and complete my book manuscript and proposal to take to She Speaks in July.  Guess what?  I haven’t done all of that!!  I have had to let some writing tasks go, change some self-imposed deadlines, and postpone study on other projects until after I finish this challenge.  And you know what?  THAT IS OKAY!    Another “mantra” of sorts in my life is “I will give up the good to live in the best.”   I knew that God had led me to this challenge and that His purpose for me at this time is to finish it.  Other things, even other good things, had to be set aside for this period.
  3. I don’t like poetry! Getting through Psalms was arduous for me.  I was much happier in Leviticus.   Learning style and personal preference affect our time in the Word.  We like to stick to what we are comfortable with … that’s why so many people never read the Minor Prophets, I imagine.  But even though I felt like David was a way bigger whiner than Jeremiah in Lamentations, I read it all.  Because ALL of Scripture is useful … and the truth is, so much of life we do feel like we are attacked.  It’s good to know “heroes” in the Bible felt the same way.
  4. I love the WHOLE of Scripture. For several years I have prayed for a passion for the Word of God … an insatiable longing for more time in and understanding of the Bible.  And God has faithfully answered that prayer.  But, my natural inclination is to spend days (even weeks!) on the study of one verse.  Doing this challenge has shown me that I love ALL of Scripture.   And I’ve seen how some of my favorite verses fit into the “big picture” which has opened my eyes to God at work in ways I never imagined.

Doing this challenge has been transformative in my life … but that’s God’s promise:    “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2a, emphasis added, NIV)

How is this process of engaging in God’s Word transforming you?

Please leave a comment or a link to your own post below to let us know where you are in the reading and also tell us how the experience has transformed you, if you would like to share.

Then, please pick two or three other commenters and pray for them by name.

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And, of course, don’t forget to join us for our Tweet-Up tonight from 8-9 CST. Just follow me and use the #B90Days hashtag.


42 responses to “Bible in 90 Days: Day 67 Check-in”

  1. […] the entire Bible as the new year begins. Last year was an incredible experience and I learned many valuable lessons.  This time through my goal is blog through it.  I’ll share my weekly thoughts on Sundays […]

  2. I’m a little late checking in but I’m pleased to say that I’ve caught up to within one day, which is within the 2 day grace period. I’ve had some evenings to myself this week and have wisely used the time in my Bible and am happy to have reached the New Testament. Yea!! Here’s to keeping up and finishing strong!
    .-= Kristin S´s last blog ..Freezer Cooking =-.

  3. I am right on track–30 days behind everyone here!

    I’ll update my reading page today. I’ve been hearing from Him so much through Nehamiah and Job. Wow.

    .-= Kari´s last blog ..Book Giveaway! =-.

  4. I’m horribly behind but pushing on to try to finish strong. I need to do two or more day readings each day to get there. But I’m still committed to finishing!
    .-= Lisa B.´s last blog ..My Daybook =-.

  5. I’m very excited to be starting the New Testament tomorrow. I like reading the Old Testament, but I love reading about Christ even more.

    What I’ve noticed the most while reading the Bible is God calling His people. “Come back to Me. Return to Me. Listen to Me. Let Me give you life.” God calls us back to Him over and over again, even though everyone keeps screwing up. That is love.
    .-= Cassandra´s last blog ..Bible in 90 Days – Day 65 =-.

  6. I’m caught up to yesterday, and just beginning today’s reading. I agree with the others, that this has give me SUCH a hunger for God’s Word. I love that I understand when the pastor makes a passing remark about someone in the OT and I know what he is talking about and the context too. Such an amazing journey! Hard to believe that after today I’ll be in the New Testament, but I am so excited about that!! :)
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..B90Days: The Home Stretch in the OT =-.

  7. Checking in. I’am a little behind, will start reading Zechariah.

  8. I totally meant to post an update yesterday – but it was Hubby’s first day home (he was away the month of February)… I am still stuck in Psalms – It has been a hard month with Seth away… I didn’t have as much free time to do as I wanted (read read READ) and I was feeling pretty discouraged until I read Erin’s post over at Closing Time… I have been praying for her and she for me — and it’s AWESOME… I am eager and hungry for His word… I am determined to finish on time! :)

    Also just a side note… I went to a Memorial recently and the Chaplain quoted Job… it was the first time I’ve heard scripture quoted and I immediately understood the context… it was powerful!

    Thank you for starting this, encouraging us, and seeing it through!
    Prayers for you today…

  9. Hi!

    Just stopping in to say that I am up to date. It’s not been a great day, but I’ve made it through and plan to go to bed in a few minutes.

  10. I’m in day 62. Having a hard time catching up again! I am like Patti – I know I’m not using all the opportunities I’m given.
    .-= kriswithmany´s last blog ..Bible in 90 days – #3 =-.

  11. Karen B. Avatar
    Karen B.

    i’ve been reading with you gals and staying pretty well caught up. this whole experience has been good for me by getting me back into a daily Bible reading habit, which i had not been doing for a while. i’m also thinking of getting back into an in-depth study group (BSF) to go back and really dig into some of the scripture that i’ve been reading so quickly this past 2 months. thanks and God bless all of you!!

  12. Tiffany @phoebemac24 Avatar
    Tiffany @phoebemac24

    I am still here and still trying to catch up about 5 days behind now. Many excuses but none are great as to why I got behind just struggling right now but I am trying and plan on finished with everyone else!

  13. I am one day behind. I used one of my grace days, so I am on Day 66. I am so glad I have been able to persevere in doing this. This has been a whole new way of reading the Bible for me. Thank you for the encouragement!
    .-= Leah´s last blog ..Bible in 90 Days- Day 66 Check In =-.

  14. I’m on day 56, I don’t plan on catching up, but I do plan on finishing without getting any farther behind!!!
    .-= Tracey´s last blog ..I Dropped the (yarn) Ball =-.

  15. I am caught up. I was about a 1/2 day behind all week. But got caught up yesterday. I am really enjoying this challenge. I have a new thirst for God’s Word. I like reading it straight through, but there is so much that I would like to dig deeper into. But I guess that will be for a future time. I have found that I have been more disciplined with setting aside God time and cutting out things that are not as important or can just wait till later. It has a been a huge blessing.

  16. I’m all caught up as of today! I had a really difficult time getting through Isaiah but once we got into the prophets after that I was able to move a little faster.
    .-= stacy´s last blog ..Clutter Challenge Update~Ahead of Myself! =-.

  17. I am on track with the reading. I have developed a hunger for reading the Bible. When I don’t read until late in the day I feel out of sorts, and the best remedy is to sit and read the Bible.

  18. I’m still a little behind as I am on Day 63. I was hoping to do some catch up everyday for the past few days and it just hasn’t happened. Well, and today my 17 month old got the stomach bug and let’s just say I need another shower. I am wiped. But hopefully I won’t fall asleep when I go to read tonight.

  19. imnjupiter Avatar

    Caught up.
    Prayers for everyone today…those who are up to date and those who are struggling. Keep reading!

    Psalm 119:57

    Teri- thank you for your thoughts. I’m especially in tune with number one and number four. And I love your comment, “I don’t speak to anyone until I’ve listened to the Lord.” I don’t always do my reading first thing in the morning, but the days when I do
    definitely start off better!

  20. I am definitely behind! I am on Day 54!! Yikes! I would love to catch up and be done before Easter. God has made opportunities for me to read but I don’t seem to use them :( still here though and haven’t given up still resting on “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

  21. Thanks to the flu that plagued our home last week, I am really behind. And I set out today to begin getting caught up…and now I’m losing my voice. I will continue to read aloud (to my children) until it completely goes. I’d hate to read without them, but if that’s what happens, so be it.
    .-= Anne-Marie´s last blog ..And this is yet another thing for which … =-.

  22. I think on last week’s check-in I was 2 or 3 days behind. Now I’m almost caught up – just a half a day behind. I hope to catch up tonight, but with the 2 grace days, I figure I’m still basically on track. I had a hard time understanding Ezekiel. Perhaps I will study it more after the challenge. Thank you all for your encouragement!
    .-= Bessers´s last blog ..2 Year Old Art =-.

  23. I’m on track. I’m not completely done with today’s reading – but I only have a few pages to go, which I’ll finish sometime today before heading to bed. I did get behind a few days last week. It wasn’t fun. I just kept reading every day and after a few days, I was caught up. It’s SO much EASIER to STAY caught up, then to play catch up (and I seem to enjoy the reading more). I can’t believe the Old Testament will be done! I’m excited to read the New Testament in the remaining 3 weeks!
    .-= Coralee´s last blog ..Sweet Boys =-.

  24. I have been behind for a couple of weeks now. Here’s the amazing thing: I haven’t given up! I keep plugging along, some days making more progress than others.

    Before this challenge I would have given up, thinking I was too behind (and consistently behind) and I would start again at a later time. That later date would never have arrived.

    Since I started this challenge with a strong desire and was able to keep up, completing it is so important to me. Other things have had to take a back burner (ie. blogging and reading blogs!) but I have come to realize that daily time in God’s word is MUCH more important anyways!

    I will catch up! I am currently on day 61, and will finish Ezekiel today. Hopefully the reading will go quicker once I finish Ezekiel!!

    I’m praying for all the others who are behind like I am. I know the daily struggle, and the disappointment and frustration. We can catch up, and God will honor our effort!!
    .-= Allison´s last blog ..Monday Mmmm…..Skillet Fried Chicken =-.

  25. I am less than a day behind. Please pray as we are moving to a new house in 2.5 weeks and I am trying hard to stay with this challenge. It may take me a little longer as we move on the 25th…in the home stretch!!
    .-= Melissa´s last blog ..How He Loves =-.

  26. It has been an amazing journey for me so far. I haven’t done much bible study at all in my life thus far and only knew the basics of the bible and the “tales” that are told in Sunday school. There is so much more (and sometimes less) to it all! As of last night, I was actually reading ahead for the first time. I am enjoying the minor prophets. I am also seeing the pages after my bookmark dwindle and that is a great feeling!
    .-= Catherine´s last blog ..Less than 30 days to go =-.

  27. I am reading this at the wrong time of the year! I am too distracted by my writing project (Bible study on Praise), taxes, preparing for company, and the women’s retreat I just attended. I think if I took this reading program on in the summer when I’m not writing and researching something else, I would have time to meditate on what I read and actually absorb something from it.
    .-= RuthintheDesert´s last blog ..Do you have an Ebenezer? =-.

  28. I am still behind too, but I am chipping away. The biggest difference for me? FINALLY after all these years, experiencing a thirst for being in the word. Feeling like I am missing something when I am not in the word. Turning to the word when things go wrong. After a two day trip to a water park with my girl scout troop of 10 year olds – I had a really yucky comment that was made to my daughter. I felt so helpless and I prayed and just opened my bible and asked Him to speak to me.

  29. Hi I am not doing the bible in 90 days as I came to it to late but I do read your blog most days altho do not comment sorry I know how much comments encourage us.

    God knows your struggle just like he knows mine and he wants you to know that he loves you and asks you to carry on the road your on you are doing the right thing and he will show you the next direction he wants you to take .
    God Bless

    PS A mum with selective hearing !!!!!

  30. Carina Avatar

    I just finished reading day 67 this morning and am on schedule…only by the grace of our God! :) David (my DH) has continued to feel so overwhelmed about being behind in his reading that he hasn’t done any reading in the last 10 days or so. I am trying to be quietly encouraging without being a nagging wife who mistakes her role for that of the Holy Spirit!!!

    Through this experience, I have become much more disciplined regarding my quiet time. Although I have had a quiet time for decades, I had been rather haphazard about it. I would fit it in whenever I could and sometimes it didn’t happen that day (or the next 3 days)! But finally, this year (through this challenge), I have truly made my quiet time a PRIORITY! Getting up 90 minutes before the rest of the family in order to read and pray is now a painless habit! Praise God! :)

  31. Despite some big challenges this past week we are on track. I had major surgery last Thursday with two days in the hospital, and my first couple of days home it was hard to concentrate on reading with any understanding (I mostly just watched old musicals on my portable DVD player!), but I read ahead a little bit and have gotten caught up the past few days. In fact I finished the OT today just so I could say I did. I am having surgery again on Friday so need to get a little ahead before time. My daughter spent last week at Teenpact, a mock government program held at our state capitol. The teens spend time doing mock sessions, debating bills, electing representatives etc, and they don’t have two minutes to call their own. But she read ahead and is now almost caught up too. So if we can do it anyone can!
    .-= Kathleen´s last blog ..That’s what I’m talking about! =-.

  32. I LOVE MY FRIEND TERI!!! She is wonderful!

    Well, I got behind, and can NOT seem to catch up. I won’t be finishing the entire Bible by the end of March. I think taking this challenge on during this busy time of life (preparing for a cross-country move, selling a house, taking a class toward certification, and all of my other ministry commitments) was too ambitious.

    On the plus side: I’ve read more of the Old Testament straight through than ever before in my entire life. Reading the Bible this way has shown me a lot about the whole picture of God’s love for us, and His plan for His people.

  33. I posted a McLinky about how I find the time and how my life has change through the Bible in 90 Days
    .-= Patty Coleman´s last blog ..Bible in 90 Days-Day 67 Check In #B90Days =-.

  34. Well, I’ve gotten behind a few days too. But this next week my sweet hubby will be gone all week for a mission trip and my kids will be taking turns going to grandmas so I expect to have alot more quiet time to catch up. I’m really loving this though, and I love the fact that its become such a habit. Even on the rough days when I’m exhasted I automaticaly pick it up and start to read, not because I neccesarily want to, but from habit, then when I start to read I realize I did want it and need it and enjoy it. And I realized the other day it has become habit to grab it as I head out the door, I didn’t even realized I was doing it, it was just always there.

  35. I just left a Link with MckLinky…my post had a few questions that I would LOVE for some other readers to help me think through! I laughed as you said you had a hard time with Psalms. That is my favorite book in the Bible and I really, REALLY struggled to get through Leviticus, LOL!! I also struggled to get through Ezekiel, thus the questions on my blog, and that put me about 3 days behind. But, I’m still hanging in there. I’ve actually been ahead this whole time til now, and I’m behind! Oh well…the important thing, I keep telling myself, is that I am IN THE WORD, not what specific day I finish on, right? :) THANKS for all your hard work and time put into this!!

  36. I am about 8 days behind now. My discipline has not been very strong even though my desire has been. I keep thinking “if only my babies would sleep longer!” But really there are so many other things I could carve out that I haven’t. Prayer to get back on track and to complete this monumental challenge would be much appreciated.

  37. I finally got caught up, thanks for the prayers.
    Great post today, thank you.
    .-= MisMom´s last blog ..90 Day Bible Challenge Update — Day 66 =-.

  38. I haven’t read today yet, but am caught up through yesterday. Holly

  39. Heather, I am praying for you this morning … that you will have success in this endeavor and that God will bless your efforts.
    .-= Teri Lynne´s last blog ..Bible in 90 Days =-.

  40. oh…sorry, I also wanted to add that I really enjoyed Teri’s guest post. I have found a love of scripture while reading through the Bible in 90 days as well and it is amazing!
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..An Easy, Relaxing and Inexpensive Date Night =-.

  41. I’m a little behind at this point, too, but planning to catch up soon!
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..An Easy, Relaxing and Inexpensive Date Night =-.

  42. Life happened and suddenly, I am way behind. I’ve gotten a few days behind here and there throughout the challenge, but I’ve never been this far behind. I’m chipping away at it, but I could use some extra prayers as I really try to get caught up. I want to be able to finish this challenge!
    .-= Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads´s last blog ..At Your Feet… I find peace =-.

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